Rewrite: Prologue

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Blood is dripping from my body. I don't care. I'm tired. Very tired. I wish I could turn back time to a few days ago, happily enjoying what life has to offer with my family, but that can never happen now. I have to keep walking. My parents didn't die for me to stop here, I have to keep walking. I don't know where I'm going but I know I have to get out of here. I should probably hide my ears and tail. Help. Someone. Please. Help. 



















"Who's this? She doesn't look like she lives in the neighborhood."

"I don't know, but she isn't in a good condition, and if we leave her here the next people to walk by may not be as kind-hearted as us."

"k, let's take her home then."

"Not your house, your family may kill her."

"But my house is closer."

"If we only succeed in taking her from one dangerous place to the next, there is no point in saving her."


Who are you guys? Why are you helping me? A thousand questions flood into my head, but I can't open my mouth to get them out. I'm tired. So tired.


















Everything still hurts. But they seem to hurt a little less than before. Slowly I open my eyes... And was greeted with a fluff of blonde. I attempt to jump back but wasn't in the shape to do so. 

"Good morning!"

I try to greet the child back but no voice comes out of my throat. A cup of water was placed on the bedside table, and I reach for it. 

However, before I got to it, a man that had stood silent through the whole thing grabbed it and placed it into my hands after he sat me up in the bed. He's strong. 

I take a sip of the water. And then finished the whole cup. 

"Thank you (To the standing man). And good morning (towards the child)." I don't know who they are but they don't seem hostile for now. "Thank you guys for saving me. May I ask who you guys are?" I knew my manners, and I could tell the house was really large, it wouldn't hurt to be as polite as possible while trying to figure things out. 

"My name is Takashi Morinozuka, but you can call me Mori." The standing man answered first. 

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka! But you can call me Honey!" The child is almost bouncing on top of be. "What's your name, and what were you doing on the street?" 

"I'm..." I fall into thought, I don't know these people so I probably shouldn't give them my full name, however, they still saved me, I heard their conversation. "I'm (Y/N)." I decide to keep it at that, there was no reason to tell them my last name. 

"Well, (Y/N), where do you live? We can take your back." 

"No!" the sheer thought of going back scared me, it had taken all of my energy to walk to where I was, where am I anyways? "Um, if it is okay to ask, where are we?"

"We are in my house," the guy named Mori said, "Why don't you want to go home?"

Home. A place that meant everything in the world to me. A place that no longer existed. 

"I'll die if I go back there." It wasn't a lie, I really would end up dead.

"Get some rest first" the child, no, Honey, said, as Mori picked him up off of me. They probably felt how uncomfortable I was. 

Mori turned around as he reached the door, "You might want to put up your... special features first though, they could get you into trouble." 

I was shocked, I thought I had put them up before I collapsed, but I guess not. 

"Thank you." I carefully withdraw them before lying back down. Since they haven't done anything to me despite knowing what I was probably meant that I was safe so I decided to go back to sleep. 








I was almost ready to be greeted the same way as I open my eyes. However, there was only one guy standing in the corner of the room (I don't think I've seen him sitting down yet). 

"Awake?" His voice was colder than earlier, was he just being nice to me when the other was in the room?

"Yes." However, my instincts told me that it was ok.

"Do you really not want to go back?"


"Then do you want to stay here?" The question was unexpected. I thought the best outcome would have been that they sent me to a nearby foster home or orphanage. 

"That would be nice." I give him a smile "I can do most chores but I prefer in-the-house ones." I need to give him a good impression to stay here but I would rather leave if he had me work outside.

"I think I need to rephrase my question," Mori looked taken by my answer, "Would you like to stay and be my sister?" 

I didn't think of this, was it really ok to have a new family so soon after what happened?

"It's ok to not give me an answer now, but if you really have no place to return to you may as well stay here." He turned to walk out the door.

"Wait!" I've made my decision. "I'll stay. I'll be your sister. It would be the best thing that ever happened to me." 

"Well, then. Nice to meet you Takashi (Y/N)." 


Word Count 909

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