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??? POV

We were walking home when we saw a figure laying on the ground, after we walked over we saw that it was a she. This she had cat ears and a cat tail, we immediately knew that it was bad for her to be out here so we took her to my house. 

Your POV

**as you wake up from the darkness**

*where am I* *why am I here*

"I see your awake" a voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?"

"Whoa there clam down" the boy stated,"My name is Takashi Morinozuka, but you can call me Mori. As for where and why, your at my house and because me and my cousin found you on the street and knew that you cat people are very vulnerable and don't belong on the street. "

"How'd you know I'm a neko"

"Your ears and tail"


"So do you have family?" he asked.

"No, my mother and father were both assassinated recently."

"I'm sorry for your loss..." he said,"but since you don't have family would you like to stay with us?"

My heart skipped a beat, *does he really mean it?* *I can finally settle down*.

"Wait, what about me being a neko?" I asked.

"We will keep it as a family secret" he answered. "so would you like to stay?"

*YES!!!!* "yes please"

"Well, I guess I'm your new older brother then"

**End of Flashback**

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