Chapter 12

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Kyoya-ish 3rd person-ish POV



Kyoya began to open his eyes at the sound of the alarm clock blaring behind him. Turning to look over his shoulder, he noticed the time – 7:30 in the morning. Reaching over to the night stand, he pressed the off button and turned back on his side. Without thinking, his right hand began to feel for her body lying next to him... but strangely he felt nothing.

"(Y/N)...?" He was still a bit groggy, but as he looked over at the opposite side of the bed, he felt his heart constrict in his chest. She was gone. No...

Sitting up, he called out her name again hoping against the truth that was becoming plain to see – (Y/N) had left... just like she always did. She was a like a specter that appeared when she willed and then left when she was through. Balling his hands into fists, he pressed them tightly to his temples.

She left me again... She left me, and she didn't even say good-bye. Despite the beautiful night the two of them had, Kyoya was filled with a deep well of sadness knowing that she was gone. Now, anger was beginning to find him. Damn you, (Y/N)! Why!?

He threw the blankets off of his naked body and swung his legs over the side of the bed. It was a mistake he'd soon realize. His groin screamed in protest as did the aching stiffness in his wrists and ankles. He had to sit there for a moment before he felt safe enough to stand. His whole body felt as if it had been put through the wringer.

When he felt able, he stood and walked around the bed toward the bathroom. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye and he stopped. There on the table was a white napkin and a wrapped package placed right where he would see it. It was a note written in her hand writing.

"I waited until you were asleep to make my exit. I'm sorry about that, but you know how it is with our current circumstances. I just wanted to let you know that last night was wonderful, and I promise you this - I'll see you again one day, Kyoya. XOXO – Love, (Y/N)" At the bottom right edge was the red imprint of her lips.For a moment, Kyoya just stood and stared at the message she had left. Gently taking it into his hands, he lifted it toward his nose and could smell the scent of her perfume that lingered on it. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Initially he'd been angry at her abrupt departure, but he had to rationally ask himself a question. Did he really expect her to stay until morning and put herself in even greater danger? This note had been the good-bye he'd been looking for and soon a smile spread across his face.

Setting down the napkin, he picked up the package that was wrapped in red foil with a pink bow on it. "Very cute," he replied as he began to unwrap it.

Pulling off the paper he was confronted with a white box. He then proceeded to open it and pulled out its contents. It was a snow globe not more than six inches tall. Inside it contained the Eiffel Tower and a small couple in a dancing pose in front of it. At the base of the globe it simply said "Paris, France – City of Love".

He let out a chuckle as he looked at the present she had left him. Walking over to the window of his room, Kyoya looked out on the city now that it was beginning to wake with dawn's light.Holding it in the sunlight, he watched as the snow fell upon the quiet scene and a strange feeling of tranquility washed over him. For a brief moment, his battered mind had found a sliver of peace in all these long years.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."

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