Chapter 11

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Kyoya  closed his eyes and felt her hand gently grasp him. Just as quick, her tongue ran along the underside of his shaft until she reached his dripping tip. He moaned at the sensations that were shooting out of him. When she teased him like that a second time, he quickly felt his manhood disappear inside her mouth. His heart was beating hard – not with fear, but with a desire that had consumed him whole. Right now no one else in this world existed but her. Her velvet tongue was beyond anything he'd ever experienced before. There was no question that (Y/N) was an experienced woman who knew how to please a man. A beautiful woman like her wouldn't be running around the world celibate her entire life. But tonight she was here with him. How had he been so lucky? Did she truly want him that much?

His attention was brought back to her as he felt her take him into her mouth again. Looking down, he watched as his shaft slowly disappeared inside before she moved back toward his tip. Her tongue then ran along the underside of his head causing him to moan before surrendering to her mouth once more. It felt as if his entire groin was on fire. He'd been so hard for so long that now he was aching for release.No... he thought, Not yet. I want her too much. So he laid there bound wrist and feet enjoying the painful pleasure she was putting him through. The way her eyes met his – her look held her knowledge of his agony, but she was once again pushing his endurance to strengthen his resolve... and most likely to suit her own ends as well. He wasn't that naïve after all.

"This waiting is killing me, Kyoya," she gasped. "No more foreplay. I want you, and I'm going to take you right now!" She crawled up and straddled his hips; his cock was already straining to find her. Looking down into his eyes, her face once again held the smile of a huntress about to devour her prized kill. "Have you ever been fucked by a woman before, Kyoya?" She asked.

He wasn't sure what to make of that question. He'd had other women in the past, to which a few had ridden him while he lay on his back. Was that what she was referring to? "Yes, (Y/N). I've had..."

"No you haven't," she interrupted. "I'm sure you've had women ride your cock, but you've never let one of them fuck you before, have you?"

He felt the puzzled look show on his face. (Y/N) smiled and leaned over him, running her tongue over his lips. She then went to his ear.

"You've never let a woman make you completely helpless," she whispered seductively. "To tie you up and use you for her own pleasure. When you're no longer in control, and she takes you inside of her at her pace – only when that happens does she fuck you, Mr. Ootori." She moved up to face him and smiled. "And you are about to be fucked."

That made him a bit nervous, but there was also a strange feeling of excitement, too. She was right – he'd never had that type of act happen to him before. He'd always thought of sex as simply that – sex. It felt good and was fun to do, but he had never considered how much more there could be to it.

His attention quickly shifted back to (Y/N) when he felt her hand on him. She was pointing him toward her waiting sex as she slowly lowered herself down. He held his breath as soon as he felt his head make contact with her wet opening. She was ready for him, and soon his shaft began to slide in with ease. Slowly, inch by inch, she began take all of him. When he looked up at her face, he could see her eyes close, and her ruby lips pressed tightly together forming a line. When the last of his cock was inside of her, she pressed her knees down on the sheets next to his body. As if on cue, both of them exhaled together. His long-time fantasy was now a reality.

Remaining still,(Y/N) tilted her head back and moaned as her fingers pressed against his abs. When she came back down, she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Kyoya..." she gasped, "I've wanted you for so long. I'm tired of fucking men I don't care about, but you... you deserve me."

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