Rewrite: Chapter 1

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"Takashi! Takashi (Y/N)!"


"Um. Yes?"

"Are you paying attention?" the math professor asks, "What is the answer to 7.97 from the summer homework?"

*It's been 5 years since Mori-onii and Honey-onii took me in, we are now at Ouran Academy, a school for rich kids apparently*

"Oh, the answer to 7.97 is the sin(3pi)+pi+c (This is an answer to an integral in case anyone doesn't know Calculus)" 

"That is correct, thank Ms. Takashi."

*I think after this class I have to meet up with Mori and Honey to go to their club thing*

"Can you show us how you did this problem?"

"Yes madam."

*I wonder what this club is all about for them to invite me. I think Mori mentioned that it was with a group of his and Honey's friends*

"And then we should never forget the plus C at the end" I conclude and return to my seat

"Good job! I'll make sure to give you your participation points!" 

*first day of class and the teacher is officially pleased with me* 

**bell rings**

"We will finish going over this tomorrow, for the kids who didn't receive their summer homework from their middle school please let me know so I can give you guys an extension. For the others, go over the questions we talked about today on your own and write an explanation for any question that you did wrong. We will have a quiz when I see you on Wednesday. That will be all, you are dismissed."

*I'm thankful I had Mori-onii check my work, I can't imagine those kids who have to write out 100 explanations. And it's only the first day of school*

"Are you ready to go?" Mori's words bring me out of my thoughts


"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Music room #3" Mori replied in his normal calm tone

"Let's go! Let's go!" 

*How am I supposed to run in this thick dress?*

"Alright Honey-onii, calm down"

*There are never bland moments whenever Honey-onii is around*

**after we get there**

As soon as we get there Mori points at the door

"You should open it. It's part of the first time experience"

*Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?*

Slowly I push open the doors, and ended up as part of the flood of yellow that somehow came up behind me without me noticing. 

Mori immediately picks me up after putting Honey on his shoulders. He carried me to a separate room. 

 As he sets me down I see 2 boys, one of them I've seen before, he's Suoh Tamaki . I've seen him at our house. And the other... ...

Suddenly I feel something rush around my body. 


I calm myself as I walked towards them. 

*You don't want to scare him off, try to act normally* 

"Hi! My name is Takashi (Y/N). Nice to meet you."

"Nice to see you again (Y/N)!" Tamaki obviously remembers me too

"I'm Ootori Kyoya. Please call me Kyoya. Nice to meet you"

*Kyoya, what a nice name*

"Nice to meet you"

*Damn this stupid mating system. If I tell him he's my mate he'll probably take it the wrong way. Mates are not just a love interest, mates are supposed to support each other. Even if the other ends up with someone else they don't care. But how do I explain that to a human*

"So what am I doing here? I think it looks like a club for women to fawn over you wonderful men." I say trying to sound playful

"Oh (Y/N), still as cheerful as always" Tamaki smiles

"We would like a cook, and Honey here said that your cooking is amazing."

"It is" Honey smiled and said

"I'm not that good..."

*As long as I don't have to spend time with those girls who look insane*

"We have a kitchen set up for you, let me take you there" Kyoya smiled at me and said "If you need help, I know how to cook."

*Seeing him smile makes me so happy*


(Word Count Excluding this message): 733

btw, when I only just remember the twins are in the same year as Haruhi, meaning one year below us, meaning they are not here yet...... So let me go back and edit it.

(New Word Count: 638) 

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