Rewrite: Chapter 4 Bonus

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Ways to ask for Kyoya's number brought to you by happy author motivated by a comment (thank you thirteen_simp2017)

I could keep a straight face and boring tone, ask for his number, and then walk into the kitchen. But would he actually give me his number? Should I just ask him if it was ok to get his number from Mori -onii or Honey-onii? Would it seem weird to ask? I should google this. 

After some research, you ended up with a few different approaches: 

Group Activity Approach:

"Hey, we should all hang out sometime. Can I get your number to coordinate?"

"We should plan a group study session. What's your number so we can keep in touch about it?"

This seemed like a good approach for if Tamaki was in the room

Shared Interest Approach:

"You mentioned you're into [specific hobby/interest]. I'd love to learn more about it. Can I get your number to chat about it sometime?"

"I know a great place for [shared interest]. We should go together. What's your number?"

You weren't really sure about this approach, he did not seem to share your interest in mushrooms. 

Practical Approach:

"I'm organizing a project/event and it would be great to have your input. Can I get your number for updates?"

"It'd be easier to coordinate our schedules if I had your number. Can I get it?"

This seemed like the best one, you were in the same grade so had mostly the same core classes, meaning that would work. Also, you did need to talk with him about the themes. 

Friendly Approach:

"It's been great talking to you. Let's keep in touch. What's your number?"

"We should stay connected. Can I have your number?"

This kind was way too suggestive in your view, but the interest said otherwise......

Casual Approach:

"Hey, do you mind if I get your number? It'd be cool to catch up sometime."

"We should hang out more often. What's your number?"

Too casual, too suggestive (in your personal opinion), absolutely not! 

This is your reminder to vote if you liked the chapter, I usually forget when I'm reading so that's why I'm reminding everyone. If you don't like it, comment and let me know, I will stop. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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