Happy (A little late) 520

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This week is my final week so I've been so tired, that I didn't even notice the date yesterday. However, the day means a lot and I'm still waiting on the year I don't have to spend it alone. For now, enjoy a little bit of fluffiness with Kyoya, it has nothing to do with the story itself, just a bit of fluff from inside my head.

In case anyone didn't know 520, conveys the meaning of "我爱你" (wǒ ài nǐ) which translates to "I love you" in English.


"Kyoya-sama~, do you know what day it is?" You say as you pop into Music Room #3

"It's May 20th," Kyoya said without looking up from his notebook

"Did you know that 520 is a way of conveying "I love you"?" you say as you walk over and sit down next to him, leaning into his shoulder 

"Yes, I am well aware. If memory serves me right, we are in Japan, not China."

"But it's fun to celebrate anyways!" you say happily, "We should set up the room for it! Most people at our school know 520 anyway!"

"Are you sure you aren't making excuses to spend more time in a romantic setting?"

Damn, he got you there. You've been dating for half a year and yet, the most romantic the two of you get are cuddles on the couches before the ladies flock in. On Valentine's day, his sister decided that she wanted to join the original plans that the two of you had made making the experience hard to be romantic. Personally, you really enjoy the physical contact, but you wish that he had the time to take you out, just you and him, for a whole day. 

"Please Kyoya~? Pretend you're making up for Valentine's day?"

"I'm assuming that you already made the sweets to match today right?" he said finally putting down the notebook so that you could take it's place in his arms, "I don't want to waste the materials that already went into making them."

"I love you Kyoya,"

"I love --"

"Mommy!!!!" Damn. Tamaki really had the worst timing in the world. Apparently, Kyoya had the same thought because he picked up the notebook, wrote something in it, and then threw Tamaki into the changing room, telling up to stay in there for the next half hour.

However, the mood was already ruined and all you two did until the bell rang was cuddle. 


"Hey, Mori-senpi!"

As you were walking home with Mori and Honey, you guys heard Kyoya calling from behind.

"How do you feel about letting borrow (y/n) for the night? I'll bring her to school tomorrow."

Kyoya said, panting. Panting. Damn, you could barely tear your eyes away. Suddenly you were picked up. 

"No. She is too young for that."

Young? I'm already 15! I'm old enough to stay at a friend's house. 

"Then can I borrow her until 9 pm?" Kyoya said, something didn't hit right, what is he planning?




This is a part of Kyoya you loved, he was always able to communicate with the other person's language. 

"Honestly I would love to but I don't have any suitable attire," you say sadly, you did want to go out in a bright yellow dress

"It's ok, all the eyes will be on you anyway." Damn, Kyoya really knew how to make a girl blush. Suddenly your eyes meet and you realize something. 

"Alright then, see you later Honey-Onii, Mori-onii!"

Mori nods at you and then turns to pick up Honey and walk him home

"So, where are we going?" you say watching Mori and Honey to make sure they don't come back within hearing range. 

"First, to get you out of that eye-catching dress. Then, it's a secret."

"Somehow I already know I will love it."


Word Count: 529

I'll leave the rest to your imagination, everyone's idea of a perfect date is different so I won't enforce my ideals upon you guys, this chapter is supposed to add a little love to everyone's lives. 

Remember to vote if you like the chapter! It would really make my day!

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