Chapter 3

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**few days later because I'm lazy**

Kyoya POV

There's a new kid today, she's so attractive, maybe I can get her to come to the host club, her name is Carmilla(picture above)

Your POV

This Carmilla rubs me the wrong way, her scent is off. I think she may be a blood sucker, a vampire. Wait that scent, I'd know it anywhere she's the one who...

**three weeks later again because I'm lazy**

Your POV

No, this is not happening. No, no, my worst nightmare has come true. Carmilla is with Kyoya. Yes, Kyoya, my perfect mate. She started requesting him alone 2 weeks ago, today when I sent in tea and cake they were kissing. I can only watch as the person who... make out with my mate.

"Are you ok?" Mori asks, "You've been starting at your plate for 10 mins."

"Yes, I'm just not hungry." I anwered, "I'm really tired today, I'm going to bed early, ok?"

"It's ok with me" mother said.

I feel sick, this feeling inside me. My head hurts, help me. Help me...

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