Chapter 5

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A/N:everything is back to normal!!! Can't say that to chapters though...


**Time-skip brought to you by (Y/N) recovering*

Your POV

I need to find a way to kill her. She's a monster. She will kill Kyoya. I must kill her. At least hurt her. Get her away from my newfound family, the host club. Carmilla, I will kill you.

While I was recovering, a girl/boy joined the club, Haruhi. I hope she isn't like Carmilla.

I'm going back to school today, I will find a way to get rid of Carmilla, even if I have to reveal my true identity.

**at the host club after school because I lazy**

I decided to reveal her identity, then she'll never be able to come back. I will push her to the window, that way she will be exposed to sunlight, she'll whither in pain, then everyone will know!

"Hey Carmilla" I said smoothly.

"Hey yourself"

"Can we talk, privately" I said looking at Kyoya.

"Um, ok?"

I lead to her the windows, failing to notice Kyoya's eyes, and then I pushed her.

"Ow" she screaming withering in pain. *Yes.* "Kyoya-kun!!! She pushed me into the window." *What?!?*

"I saw" Kyoya said coldly. *Yes!* "What do you think your doing (Y/N)?" *NO!!!!!*

"I... I" I stammered.

"We all saw that" said the rest of the club. "We didn't know you were the violent type, but now we know that, leave. And don't ever come back into this room."

At that moment my heart failed. Even Mori and sweet Honey was looking very angry.

"Go pack your things," Mori's words caught me off guard," tonight's your last night at our house"

I didn't think it would end this way.

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