Chapter 8 pt2

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A/N: wattpad was being stupid and deleted the other half of chapter 8 so here it is.


I must find her

"I don't think you'll live until then" Carmilla suddenly said as she leapt towards Kyoya. Except there was something special on Kyoya that she didn't know about, something that (Y/N) put there.

**Flashback to when Carmilla just came**


"Why do you call me that?"

"Because I can, the reason I'm here is I have a Christmas present for you."

(Y/N) pulled out a small flower sticker that was purple(It's like those stickers where it looks like it's made out of crystals).

"Where would I even use that?" Kyoya asked.

"Put it on your glasses please, you'll know why in the future."(Y/N)answered.

"Fine" Kyoya scoffed.

**End of flashback**

As Carmilla jumps at Kyoya in attempt to drink form him she is suspended into midair.

"WTF?!? THAT MAGIC KITTEN!!! I WILL KILL HER!!!" Carmilla screamed in midair.

"Not if we kill you first" Kyoya replied calmly throwing a match at her.

"Now we must look for (Y/N)."

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