Rewrite: Chapter 3

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"You seem happy today, (Y/N)" Mori asked on our way home, "what did Kyoya do to make your day?"

"It could be that it's her first day here" Honey replied, "or is it actually Kyoya?"

*Damn... It is because of Kyoya, I know that I can probably trust them, but... Perhaps I shouldn't tell them, who knows what they will do...*

"Congratulations Honey-onii, you are mostly correct!" I said smiling, "In Calculus II today, so many people got most of the summer homework wrong, the teacher had us do corrections. Since I have you two lovely older brothers, I don't have any math homework tonight. I didn't remember during the club but now that it's quiet, I'm happy."

Mori looked a little skeptical but didn't bother (Y/N) about it. The rest of the way home was filled with Honey's laughter, an occasional question about how school went from Mori, and (Y/N)'s short replies. Mori could tell by the time the trio got to Honey's house that there was something on (Y/N)'s mind, she was so absent-minded that he even had to remind her to keep her tail and ears hidden a few times. But he stayed silent, he knew better than to ask, (Y/N) would tell them when she was ready. 











*Time skip to dinner*

"How was school today?" Mother asked, "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes! I made new friends and joined Mori-onii and Honey-onii's club so I get to spend more time with them now!"

"You three are always together nevertheless," Father said, "I'm glad you three get along well. So, tell me more about these new friends you mentioned."

"Well, there is Amulet-san who is my lab partner for chemistry, she's from the US! And there is Kyoya, who is part of the club. I also saw Tamaki again!"

"Kyoya? The Ootori child? Mori, I didn't know you knew him," Father looked unhappy, is there something going on between the two families?

"He's a freshman" Mori and his usual silent self. 

No one talked for the rest of the meal

"Thank you for the meal! I'm going to go do my literature homework now, good night mother, good night father."

*I can never get used to the little interaction between parents and children of the upper class. My parents used to be everywhere in my life, now, it's just Honey and Mori.*

As (Y/N) sat down to start on the overload of homework (thankfully no math homework), Kyoya floated into her head. She decided to push him out until after her homework. 

Two hours later, Mori knocked on the door and told (Y/N) to go take a bath. As (Y/N) sat there in silence there was finally time for her to think about Kyoya.  

*Should I attempt to pursue a romantic relationship with him? Or should I work my way to being his secretary? I need to be around him, so what is the perfect excuse for that? He's in the same year as me so could I find a way to switch into one of his classes? What classes does he take? What would he think if I switch into his classes right after I ask him? Will he think I'm a stalker?*

A thousand questions floated through her head, she didn't know what to do. Finally she decided to talk with Mori. 

"Mori-chan? I wanted to talk to you about something." I peaked my head into his room

"Come in"

"I wanted to get into the same classes as Kyoya so that I can talk to him more about cooking for the club"

"Can't you just ask for his phone number?"

"That might suggest I have other ideas"

"And switching into all of his classes doesn't?"

"I guess that's true, do you have his phone number?"

"Yes, but you should go ask him for it yourself tomorrow."

"OK, goodnight Mori!"


(Word Count: 625)

I am back!!!! Got a little distracted by some other works but, now I am back!

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