Chapter 10

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Okay, he thought, this is... different.

  Kyoya could already feel his heartbeat picking up again with the anticipation of (Y/N)'s intentions. That, coupled with the fact that he'd never been into the bondage scene before. Awkward that he may be when he did have a woman in his bed, it was he who had set the tone and pace in the bedroom. Maybe it was because they had expected it of him. He was a son of a powerful man and charming good looks. Perhaps he had the James Bond-like persona that those ladies had wanted and as a result, they wanted him to lead. It wasn't that the sex was bad – it just wasn't all the bells and whistles he had expected it to be.

In this moment however, he had no illusions about who was running the show. (Y/N) had already made it plain that if he truly wanted her then he would have to follow her lead. As frightening as the prospect initially was, he soon found the idea of submitting to her a bit... intriguing. Now he wasn't sure if it was (Y/N) who was making him nervous or himself. She had already coaxed him past a limit her didn't think he would overcome - obeying a woman in the bedroom- and now she was forcing him to confront a second-being a helpless participant to her will. Perhaps 'will' was too light a word when it came to the lovely spy. Mercy would be more apt to describe it. Reflexively he looked up and tried to move his wrists but the bed frame had no give to it. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Trying to escape so soon?" Her voice brought his attention back to her. While he had been silently gauging his predicament, (Y/N) had already moved down the length of his body and was kneeling between his legs. She was staring at him with a playful pout on her face as her eyes went from his bound wrists to his face. "I'm hurt to think that you would try and leave now, Mr. Ootori," she said in feigned offense, "especially considering that I haven't even gotten to the best parts yet."

He stared silently at her for what seemed like an eternity. Somehow her playful words were having a calming effect on him. Closing his eyes, he took another deep breath and let his arms relax. He could feel her body slowly moving up his. When he opened his eyes, she was again over top of him. She went to the side of his face and tenderly planted a kiss on his left cheek as if knowing that was what he had needed. Then her lips went to his ear.

"I know that you're nervous, Kyoya," she whispered softly. He felt her tongue on the lobe of his ear. "You've never done this before have you – letting a woman make you helpless? It's okay. All you have to do right now is lie back, listen to my voice, and trust me. Can you do that?"

God, she was going to push him past this barrier wasn't she? He was already laying helpless to her will but trust her?  She had always looked out for him. There was no other explanation as to why he was still breathing if it wasn't for her. (Y/N)...

Nodding his head silently, he took another breath. His heart was like thunder; pounding so hard he could hear its beating in his ears. "Yes,(Y/N). I... I can do that," was his reply. He wanted her. Whatever it took; whatever obstacles he had to overcome – he wanted her.

Her warm smile greeted him. "We're both on this ride together, Kyoya. Just let go of the reigns and let me take you where I wish. I promise that you won't forget it... ever.

Was that supposed to be comforting... or a threat? He could never tell with her. The woman was such a damned mystery to him – a mystery that he had wanted to uncover for years. No matter how much material he'd read on her from dossiers and profiles however, she always ended up surprising him in one way or another – whether it was using him to complete her own objectives...or saving his life when he least expected it. And here tonight, he had been trying to maintain some level of control during the course of her visit, but now it seemed that his efforts were doomed to failure. Judging from how easily she had seized the reigns from his grasp, she had no doubt been with other men before and knew just how to have her way with them. Damn it! He was again warring with himself.Could he really go through with this? When he looked at her, though and saw her moving down the length of his body, he had his answer.

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