Chapter 2

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"I'm Tamaki encase you forgot" Tamaki said," and these are Hikaru and Kaoru, the Hitchiin brothers. And of course there is Kyoya, our vice president."

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) Morinozuka."

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me honey. And this is Takashi, he and (Y/N) are siblings and they are my cousins, Takashi doesn't talk that much though. "

"I'm Kyoya Ootori, I'm the 3rd child in my family"

"And we are Hikaru and Kaoru"they said in unison,"can you tell who's who?"

"We just me you..." I said.

"Well we can play this game in the future I guess..." they said, once again in unison.

"Anyway what is this club's goals?" I ask.

"To make our guests happy!!!" Tamaki replies.

"What will I do while you boys are entertaining the girls?"

"You know how to cook, yes?" idiot king asks.

"I know how to cook, no." I reply.

"I could teach her" my mate,Kyoya,says.

*Oh my god!!!!! My mate is teaching me to cook!!! I must pay close attention.*

**Time-skip brought to you by buying supplies**

"Well since we have everything should we start?" Kyoya asks.


**Time-skip brought to you by cooking**

"Done, I think that's all the cakes we need. You're a quick learner" Kyoya commented.

"Thanks a lot, you're opinion matters a lot to me" I answer.

"And why is that?"

*Oops* "Um... because your family runs a huge hospital chain."

"Anyway I think that's it, just put the cakes in the fridge and then we can go, see you tomorrow."

"OK, bye!!!"

**Time-skip brought to you by walking home**

"Did he do anything weird to you?" Mori asks.


"Are you 100% sure?"




"Now let me be"


He walks out of your room.

*thank god, I don't want anyone knowing that I have a journal*

**for the sake of story let's say you have a journal, diary whatever/whichever. Also Italics means Diary. And (D/N) means diary name**

Dear (D/N),

I met my mate today, he is really cold though. Did you know, when we were cooking, he gave me a 5min lecture just because I got the wrong amount of flour!?! Anyway, I hope he melts a little as I get to know him. Do you think he will be my mate mate or my best friend mate? I hope it is the mate mate. Well, that mom calling for dinner, night.

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