Chapter 9

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*5 years later...*

Kyoya's POV

It's been 5 years, every once in a while when my life is in danger (Y/N) will appear.

My family's in Paris on a business trip.

They say that an international spy/assassin is in the area so all of our guards are with father.

3rd person POV

He sat there for a long moment until he felt a light breeze blowing against the back of his neck. Turning his head, he realized that a window was open. What in the world? Why is that...? Reaching for his gun, Kyoya stood and pointed it in front of him as he cautiously made his way toward the window. All of the lights in his room were out save for the desk lamp, and the light switch was by the door. Damn it!

Checking the surrounding area, he saw nothing out of the ordinary so he pushed down on the frame and closed it. As he stood back up however, he had a feeling that he wasn't alone. Pivoting quickly, he turned around and aimed his gun at the opposite side of his room. He saw something – there in the corner beside a bookshelf. It looked like the silhouette of a person standing motionless in the shadows. As he slowly approached, a bigger surprise came when the mysterious figure spoke to him.

"It's been a long time, Kyoya."

Kyoya froze in his tracks. He knew that voice. It was one he was not likely to forget – a voice that had already caused his skin to goose-prickle at the seductive tone it held. "(Y/N)...?" He asked in surprise.

Her outline slowly began walking in his direction, and in the faint light of the lamp he could see her. She was wearing a beautiful tight fitting (F/C) dress that was cut low to her abdomen showing off not only her cleavage, but also holding the gentle curves of her hips. A large slit ran up her elegant right leg to where he could see it's perfect shape - toned and flawless. In her right hand, she held a bottle of champagne and in her left were two glasses. There were no words spoken as she slowly approached him; her hips swaying in a provocative manner as the impish smile on her face seemed to grow with every step.

Kyoya lowered the Beretta but kept it in his hands as he took a step backwards. He was unsure of what her intentions were, but given the way she was dressed and what she was holding, it didn't appear that she was here for an assassination.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He took another step back, still surprised that she was here.

The vixen in front of him remained silent as she continued her approach. When she reached the desk however, she slowly turned to set down the bottle and glasses.

"Your safety's still on you know." Her ruby lips were smiling at him.

Turning to face him, she began to walk in his direction once more. Somehow he had known that he'd left the safety on. For some reason he couldn't explain, he didn't feel the need to pull back the hammer on the Beretta either. She wasn't here for blood – that much he could already sense. He felt himself bump against the table behind him and his retreat stopped. (Y/N) was approaching him and there was no place left for him to go.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again as he felt his mouth go dry. She stopped and stood directly in front of him. Looking down, he couldn't help but notice the tops of her breasts peeking out from the dress that she wore.

Her arms slowly encircled his neck. "Shhh..." she whispered as she gently pulled his head toward hers.

The wet smoothness of her lips soon pressed against his and just as quickly, Kyoya felt his mind go numb. What was she doing? The two of them hadn't shared a kiss since 5 years ago. And this wasn't a casual welcoming kiss either – it was one that held meaning... and want. Even as inexperienced as he was with the opposite sex, all of the signals she was giving him led him to the conclusion that this visit was for something more. Despite the fact that she was on his father's threat list, he couldn't seem to bring himself to stop her from kissing him. Her lips were so warm... so inviting...

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