Rewrite: Chapter 2

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Kyoya POV

*Mori-senpai never mentioned he had a little sister, she's an interesting child. It will be fun to see what she will bring to the club*

"Please come with me, the kitchen is this way."

(Y/N) nodded. 

*She's looks nothing like Mori-senpai, that's interesting.*

We walk into the kitchen and wash our hands. 

"Let me get out of this dress" (Y/N) said suddenly, "This outfit isn't suited for cooking"

"Ok, we have a dressing room a little bit over"

"Um... Perhaps you could go out and I can change here?" She said hesitantly "It would save time"

"I can go with that, I'll go guard the door"

*What an abnormal person, usually women feel changing in such an open place would be too undignified, she should be the same, especially because she is from Mori's family, she should be extra sensitive to this kind of thing*


I quickly change out of the yellow mess and successfully ruined my makeup(if you have) and hair. I quickly remake my hair into a style suitable to work and went and opened the door.

"I'm done. You can come in now. Shall we get started?" I smile as I open the door. 

"We won't have them done in time for today so let's make them according to tomorrow's theme  'Forest'" Kyoya said, walking in as he pushed his glasses.

"Anything you have in mind?" I ask, 

*I'm not sure what the likes of the others are but if it's Honey-Onii, any type of cake is enough to make him happy. *

"Since the theme is forest, a black forest cake is unavoidable." 

*The pun is... acceptable, I guess...*

"We can make cupcakes look like mushrooms " I suddenly jump up, excited 

There are a few things in life that make me go crazy and one is mushrooms, for some reason, they attract me. Everytime I see a mushroom, I have to bend down and check it out. I'm considering pursuing a degree in Mycology.

"You like mushrooms?" He asked, skeptically. 

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"They are Fungi."

"And? Which part of fungi makes liking them weird." Now this is where the line is drawn. If he dares to insult fungi...

"How much do you know about them?" Kyoya is not the type of person that can't take a hint, he did not want to get in an argument the first day they meet. 

"Enough to say I want to pursue a future in Mycology." I say with confidence. 

"That means you can make the cakes and cupcakes on your own, right? If so, I'm going back."

"You sound as if I'll set this place on fire the moment you walk out." It would be amazing if he would stay but I really don't have a reason and I don't want him to think I'm desperate. 

"Alright, leave the cakes in the fridge once your finished and get me to lock the room."

"Am I not old enough to take care of a key?"

 "I prefer to not give the key to someone I don't know" 

*ouch... I mean it's true I just met him today but...*

"I'm (Y/N). There, you know me now, key." 

A grin appeared on his face as he turned around and left. 

*Damn... That was hot*

I clap my hands. Focus (Y/N)! Focus! Let's get the cake parts into the oven first!

I beat the eggs, added sugar to eggs, beat some more.  Then, I whisked together the flour and cocoa powder. Mixed the wet and dry mixtures. Added butter. Then poured full 3 cake pans before putting the rest into cupcake pans. I then made the vanilla batter and filled another set of cupcake pans.  After setting all of that into the oven, I cut up some cherries and made the frostings. After frosting everything, I look up at the clock. It's been 3 hours... I stick the finished deserts into the fridge and went back to music room three to find the others. 

"(Y/N)!" As soon as you open the door, a happy Honey runs at you. "Do you have anything for me?" 

*Honey-onii will never change*

"Here's a cupcake" Honey pounced off happily 

"You shouldn't spoil him" Mori scoffed. 

"It's not like you don't. Kyoya, you can go lock the doors now." 

"You two seem close!" Tamaki was feeling a bit too playful today. "Did you two get some quality time cooking together?"

"I came back after showing her the kitchen and was here for the past three hours. Are you blind?" thankfully, Kyoya is always there to keep Tamaki in check. 

"I think we had a good day today," Tamaki said happily "Good night everyone! Have a good evening."

"I agree, we were able to break even with the money spent," Kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses. "Good night everyone." 

"Good night everyone. Have a good evening." Me, Honey, and Mori echoed. 


(Word Count: 797)

A/N: just a note in case of confusion, when Mori and Honey appears in the thoughts that happen in our head (*thought*) they will be referred to as Mori-onii and Honey-onii because they are (Y/N)'s "older brothers" and during narration I plan on being lazy and just go with Mori/Honey. I would appreciate if you guys voted! Thank you for reading!!

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