
268 19 1

warnings: smut


Addison wondered when it would get easier.

After spending so much time alone, it was hard to adjust to the constant noise that was in her home. Bucky was laughing with Warner in the living room, Rebecca was chatting with Addison, ignoring the way that Addison was silent, and Steve was playing a game with Sam, every few seconds yelling with joy.

She had been home for two days and she was overwhelmed.

Every noise elicited a reaction out of her, without her wanting it to. If someone stepped down too hard she was cowering, looking for an exit. The sound of keys jingling was too similar to the sound of chains on the handcuffs, motorcycles made her freeze up again. The sounds were maddening, she felt like she was losing her grip on reality, on her life. She was back to that scared six-year-old under the bed in that disgusting motel room.

Addison's eyes were bouncing around, finally landing on Hayden who nodded, walking over to her and spinning her chair around. "Where do you need to go?" His voice was soft, barely audible over the noise that was infiltrating her brain. Hayden was rubbing Addison's arm, Nicolas coming over to shield her from the other side, giving her a moment of silence between the two walls of men, her entire chest finally deflating while she let her thoughts finally relax.

"The roof."

The noise in the apartment died out when she rose from her seat, holding onto the back of Hayden's shirt as they had done so many times before. She was sandwiched between her enforcers and while that used to drive her crazy, she couldn't be more thankful for it. Being between them muted the noise for Addison, and she needed that silence more than anything.

She was still scared of Vaughn, for all she knew he could be anywhere, and his men could be watching her right at this moment, but Addison didn't want to focus on that, she wanted to focus on the fact that she was home, and safe. But her safety could be taken away from her in an instant, she was aware of that.

The orange glow of the sky welcomed her as she climbed the few steps onto the rooftop terrace, a space made just for her. She was above all her problems up here, the clouds seemed to be within reach and she just felt pure happiness. Turning around she met the gaze of Hayden and Nicolas, both of them smiling at her, up here they were her enforcers, but they were also her friends. Nicolas offered his hand, the scarred flesh a huge contrast to the softness of hers. It didn't matter, both their hands had taken life from someone.

She froze, remembering the way she drug the knife up the man's torso, he didn't deserve that. But then again, she didn't deserve to be taken against her will for a debt she didn't know anything about.

Nicolas had pulled her across the space to him, Haden pinching her cheek affectionately before Nicolas was lifting her onto the air conditioning unit, standing at her knees, Hayden standing beside him. "You need to tell us what happened Mrs. Barnes," Hayden's voice was soft as he tried to coax information out of her, "we're here to protect you, from threats, from your own thoughts, you can let us in."

"Will someone go get Bucky then," Addison whispered, looking down to play with the wedding ring on her finger, twisting it left and right, a nervous habit she wasn't able to shake, "I don't want to have to explain it more than once." Nicolas reached up to wipe her tears away, his calloused thumb comforting against her skin. These warriors loved her, they wanted her to be okay, and someway that made her heart thunder in her chest because all her life she had been alone. Nicolas jerked his head towards the door, signaling Hayden to go get Bucky, and without a second thought, he was retreating to get her husband.

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