Meeting Your Parents

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Michael's POV

_______ was ecstatic for me to finally meet her family, but I on the other hand was actually nervous. They've made it known that our marriage wasn't exactly their most favorite thing in the world.

Janet gave me the best advice she could and I was very grateful. I can hear her words replaying in my mind.

"Use your manners. Sit up straight. No elbows on the table. Speak intelligent words no slang"

I laughed at the image of her pacing and trying to come up with more things. "You okay?" ______ pulled me out of my flashback.

"I couldn't be better"

_______ squeezed my hand tighter and rested her head on my shoulder. "This means a lot to me you know?"

"I'm so glad"

The drive was beautiful, trees a vibrant green and blooming flowers almost blinding. This was a place people took for granted and that I would so gratefully love to live in privately. These are the towns where everyone knows everyone and I love that. It's the town where there's a block party on the Fourth of July and everyone brings a dessert.

"You grew up here?" I asked a question I think I already knew the answer to.

"Yeah! I hated it here. There was nothing to do and it was always such a bore. Nobody new came into town and I was stuck knowing the same people"


More silence.


I'm stupid.

I can't believe I just said that.

"Michael, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay" his sweet voice reassured me as he rubbed my hand.

I instructed the driver to pull around back, so the neighbors wouldn't see my world sensation husband. I mean, not that it was all over headlines and that it was plastered on every magazine in the world, but I'd rather try and keep it on the DL.

"Michael please don't be nervous. You see these cheesy movies where the fiancé or husband messes up because they aren't theirselves. Please be yourself. I know they'll love you!"

"What if they don't"

"Well I love you?" I shyly smiled and looked into Michael's eyes. Michael finally lightened up and he proved it by kissing his lips to mine.

After a few other kisses, Michael opened the door for me. I entwined my hand with Michael's and opened the back door.


My mom peered around the corner and pulled Michael her way. "Oh _______!"

She hugged me but I refused to let go of Michael's hand."Mom, this is Michael"

I stepped aside and allowed Michael to greet my mother. "It's a real pleasure to meet you Mrs. ___your last name____"

"No, no son the pleasures all mine! You really do make my daughter happy!"

"You raised such a beautiful and lovely and woman" Michael complimented my mother and I felt my cheeks go hot.

Michael's POV

______ was still closely stuck to my side and I loved it. Her dad appeared from a room that I assume the TV was in. "Mr. Jackson" he stuck out his hand. I easily shook it and greeted my father in law.

As dinner dragged on, I was feeling for more and more confident. "So you two are married now?" her father asked.

"Yes" _____ smiled at me.

"What do you plan to do for my daughter. I mean, since you have this so called singing career how will you be there for her. And how many times have you been married before my daughter?"

"Dad!" ________ scolded.

"No ______ it's okay" I assured her with a smile, "I've been married once, but it didn't last long. She wasn't right for me. I know who is though and that's your daughter sir. She's the most beautiful and intelligent girl I've ever met. I'm so incredibly lucky I met her and fell in love with her. Now the traveling, I know it seems difficult and really it is. We've talked it over and she insists on traveling with me. I have a large home with a gate outside and 3 security guards that stand outside the premises. No one is allowed anywhere near it. So, if she ever felt the need to stay home and relax, she'll be perfectly safe. There's actually an amusement park and theater in case she gets bored and my driver is happy to take her anywhere, security provided of course. Sir, I can guarantee you you're daughter is always safe and I'll do my very best to always make her happy"

Your POV

That shut my father up real fast.


Michael's POV

The night went so much better than expected. I was afraid I'd be bashed by her family, but now I feel just awful for judging them in such an awful way, despite the one awkward comment her father made.

"Well you two sleep tight and it was really a pleasure meeting you Michael" _______'s mother sweetly said.

"Thank you. Thank you both for a lovely dinner and place to sleep"

"Anytime Michael" her father responded.

I followed ______ up the stairs to the guest bedroom. "Michael!" she was all giddy and smiley and I loved it.

"I'm so happy! That went so well and you were so polite and so sweet and kind to my parents despite what I told you about them and I'm so thankful everything went okay and that I have you!" she was nearly panting at the end.

"Aw ______ you know I'd do anything for you! I love you so much!"

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