The Gender

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*4 months along*

your POV

"Michael you goober! You left the butter out all night!" I laughed, but then tears developed, "And now I have nothing to put on my toast" I sobbed.

Michael swooped in and aided me, "Honey! It's ok! We have another container!" he opened fridge and proved it.

"Oh!" my tears dried up and I cheerily took the butter out of the fridge.

My hormones have been so imbalanced lately, I cried yesterday because I couldn't tie my shoes. Michael was, of course, right there to tie them for me and assure me that the incident didn't make him love me any less! I have to laugh at the whole situation now, but at the time it seemed so tragic. Michael has been absolutely calm, collected and caring throughout everything.

One night, I had a brutal craving for a Dairy Queen strawberry shake... It was 3 a.m. and Michael generously woke up and asked Franky to go get me some! I never expected Michael to, I mean he couldn't. It was just very sweet of him to walk all the way downstairs to Franky's room.

"Better get ready my dear" Michael smiled and helped me waddle up the glorious staircase.

Our appointment was today, and the gender of Baby Jackson will be determined. I tried convincing Michael that we should keep the gender a secret, but he just wouldn't have it. I can admit though, a small part of me wanted to know so badly. Michael excused himself to the shower, so I started rummaging through my assigned closet for a stupid maternity outfit. Michael's closet was huge, much bigger than mine, but he also didn't have to dress according to the fact that it looks like he swallowed a small watermelon. Finally, I settled on pair of jeans and a tan sweater I found so comfy and cozy. Fall was definitely here, and my outfit reflected that. I'm glad I'm not pregnant in the dead of summer, I'd be a big puddle by now.

The bathroom door opened and Michael appeared...


His torso was bare, and his waist covered by a single towel... People underestimate the body of this man I think. His muscles were definite but no at all overpowering. His damp curls were laid over his broad shoulders. On top of that, he was singing.

"I was afraid of life and you came in time..

You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight...


I like the way how you're holdin me...

I like the way how you're lovin me..."

Another perk of marrying the King... I get to be exposed to Michael's unreleased songs. It was such an amazing treat to listen to.

"Wow..." I whispered... to loudly obviously because Michael started laughing.

"Like what you're seeing babe?"

"And hearing!" I smiled ear to ear and slipped the sweater over my head and over my expanded belly.

Michael's POV

I lifted ______ into the car and kissed her cheek before running to get in on the other side. We pulled out of the ranch, the golden gates closing behind us. "This place is Heaven of Earth" _____ smiled back at the place we called our home.

"Oh darling that's only because you live there", I smiled and kissed her lips, "Have you talked to your parents lately?"

______'s head fell and a tear stained her light jeans. "Michael they hate me"

"What? I'm sure they don't!"

"So, I called my mom and asked her to let me tell Grandma hi. She said, 'you're grandma doesn't want to speak with you and neither do I, so crawl back to your new family!'... Michael I don't care though because you're family and you are much better to me" her eyes met mine and I squeezed her hand.

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