Chapter 8

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Your POV

I poured the easy to make, and thankfully doesn't need to bake, macaroni into the boiling water. "You rally impressed me with your cooking skills" Michael teased me.

I shoved his shoulder "Shut up. I never have time to cook a meal homemade" I laughed.

My wooden spoon swirled the noodles and we sat back on the couch. "What time is it?" Michael asked.

"Almost 5. Wow. I thought this was lunch. Guess it's dinner now. Did you need to be somewhere?" I smiled.

Michaels POV

"Nope" I lied. I had a recording session but it was something I'd scheduled on my own time and it wasn't till 9.

______ twirled pieces of her already curled hair around her index finger.

She looked so peaceful and... Simple. It was a simple time passing habit a normal, simple person was doing.

I wonder what that feels like? To be normal.

Without hundreds of cameras snapping your every move.

She got up to drain the macaroni and I looked around her simply designed small living room. Her tan walls were minimally decorated by a picture of the Hollywood sign and a picture of her family I assume.

"Here" she handed me a bowl of steaming macaroni and my mouth watered at the thought. She blew over the hot food to try and speed up the cooling process.

She tapped a spoonful against her lips to make sure it was finally cool enough. "Why are you watching me eat?" she laughed, looking at me while she chewed the food. I smirked at her "You're pretty".

She spit her food back into the bowl. "Sorry I shouldn't have said that"

"No no. It was hot" she laughed, fanning her mouth with her hand. She jumped up and poured a glass of water. "Better?" I asked.

"Better" she said.

Your POV

I needed a shower and he isn't showing any sign of leaving. "Michael I'm going to shower. You can wait here or if you need to go-"

"I'll be here"

"Ok. There's the remote and some books or whatever on the table" I walked down the hallway and grabbed some clothes to change into before locking myself in the bathroom.

The warm water running against my skin always took the stress or whatever I felt away. I felt stressed but I couldn't remember what it was about which only added to the stress more.

Once I was dried, clothed and my wet hair was spread over my back where it would soil my shirt and is changed again before going to bed.

"Michael?" I hollered. His head popped out of the corner. "Hey you got a phone call from some man. His name was Kevin"

My heart slipped out of my mouth and onto the floor where it felt like someone was stomping on it.

"You- you didn't answer it did you?"

"Well yeah..."

"NO!!!" I yelled feeling completely sick.

Michaels POV

I'd screwed up apparently I just don't understand how or why?! "____ what's wrong. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do whatever I did"

"That was my manager. Calling about the fashion show I wanted to be in! I needed to know if I made it" she panicked.

"No big deal. We'll call him back"

"NO! You don't understand! You answered. Now he's gonna know there's a guy here at my place. He's gonna think I'm seeing someone" she dropped tears onto her modern rug, looking down at her feet.

I felt awful. This was my fault. "I'll clear it up" I assured her. "No. They can't know it was you. Hell would break loose"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"It's my fault for forgetting. Something so important and I just forgot. I'm calling him back. I'll explain"

She brushed past me and picked up the phone. When she started talking I knew she'd gotten through.

"Kevin? It's ______ I'm so sorry. No there wasn't a guy here. Well there was but he's only a friend I swear. I wouldn't risk my contract"

My heart felt like a tiny piece broke off and I wish I could know why.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!" she threw the phone on the couch and covered her smile with her hands. She looked at me.

"I made it. I'm going to be in the Hot Summer Fashion Show" she smiled and jumped up and down. "What'd he say about me?" I asked, nervous about her answer.

"He said I can be friends with you"

"Oh...." I smiled, or did my best at least. "Michael I thought you knew nothing could happen"

"I did. It still hurts though"

Your POV

The tension in the room was so thick a knife wouldn't be able to cut it. I feel awful because Michael's really sweet and undeniably attractive and I would love to be more than friends.

My career is my everything though. And now that they've cleared a special spot in the show for me I know it has to be my priority. "Michael. Can I make you a deal?"

He nodded. "You and I will be friends for now. After the fashion show I'll talk to my management about something more okay?"

His expression lit up immediately and my heart returned to its normal beat. "Ok" he smiled.

"Well c'mon let's find something to do in this boring apartment" I laughed, trying to find a deck of cards or something. "I have an idea" Michael smiled.

"Get ready and I'll meet you downstairs in the alley" he seemed excited and I couldn't help my curiosity. "Ok but I can't be out late"

He nodded and agreed to have me home before midnight.

I searched all over my room and slightly destroyed it while trying to find something decent to wear. It wasn't my first choice but I chose leggings, sneakers and a sweatshirt even though it's summer. Opinions to yourself!

I raced downstairs and slowed down when I nearly wiped out. "Michael" I loudly whispered down the empty alley way.

A pair of hands grabbed my shoulder and I threw my elbow back into the persons stomach. Michael doubled over holding his stomach. I tried not to laugh as I apologized over and over again. "It's fine. Geez you got an arm"

I lifted my arms up and blew on them before smirking and walking away until I realized I need to be following Michael.

He took the lead and led us too his black SUV.

"After you" he smiled, opening the door for me.

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