Telling your family

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Michael's POV

"Go out the back exit. We've had someone check and the press is in front" a nurse warned us

"The fact that they know we're here is absolutely maddening" Michael whispered to me. He pulled me through the mess of amazed doctors and held the back exit door open for me. I kissed his cheek as a way to say thank you, and he helped me into the car.

"You're extremely attractive when you're angry" I rubbed Michael's arm as he glared at all the paparazzi we passed. They were unaware as to the fact that we were in the car though.

Michael's cheeks flared and he smiled at his feet from my comment. I couldn't help but laugh and glance at the ultrasound pictures some more. On the top was labeled 'Baby Jackson'.

"Michael, can we call the baby something other than 'it'?"

"Please" he laughed.

"Baby Jackson"

"Baby Jackson... I love it. I love the nickname, I love you and I love Baby Jackson" he proudly grinned as he held my stomach that failed to show proof of my pregnancy.

"When are we going to make a press statement. I know they'll be suspicious after someone tipped them off about our appointment"

"Shouldn't we tell your parents first" he softly giggled.

"Probably" I agreed.

Your POV

The house smelled like Strawberry lemonade, and the smell I used to adore caused a feeling in my throat to rise. I ran from Michael's grip and into the closest bathroom. Michael chased after me and patted my back as I bent over the toilet. "Are you ok?" Michael asked as he wetted a cloth and dabbed my forehead and mouth.

"It's the smell"

"You love that smell though!"

"Obviously someone doesn't" I weakly smiled as I tapped my stomach. Michael so sweetly carried me up to our bedroom, and gently laid me on the enlarged bed. He dressed me in an oversized t-shirt that carried his lovely scent to cancel out the lemonade smell lingering throughout the house. He pulled the cozy duvet over my body and kissed my forehead.

I don't blame him for dodging the lips.

"Do you need anything? Water? Peanut butter?" Michael offered me one of my cravings I've had lately.

"Can you stay? Like get in bed too? Please..." I puckered my bottom lip and he sweetly nodded. He kicked his loafers off and curled in next to me. He pulled me to him and my head rested on his chest as he stroked my hair. "I meant what I said earlier. I'm so thankful for you and Baby Jackson"

"Michael I love you so much and I don't think I could ever say that enough"

Michael's POV

________'s voice slowly began to slur as she fell asleep. I refused to fall asleep at noon, so I gently lifted her and set her back onto a pillow.

"Mr. Jackson, phone call. It's the Misses parents" the maid informed me as I opened the door.

"Thank you" I said and politely took the phone.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.


"Hello Mrs.________"

"Is my daughter pregnant?"

"Pardon me ma'am?"

"Michael Jackson is my daughter pregnant?"

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