Chapter 25

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Your POV

Waking up in Michaels arms was a shock at first until I remembered what had happened last night. Michael let out a small grunt as I tried to readjust myself under his arms which were securely tied around me.

It was already 10 and I was hungry so I just decided to wake up Michael. "Michael?" I whispered in his ear. His eyes slowly opened and he smiled at me. "I like waking up to this"

I smiled at him and he unwrapped me from his arms. While he flipped through the channels on the TV I searched for something to eat. "Eggs and bacon ok?"

"Yeah! Sounds great thanks!" He politely thanked me.

Michael laughed at the TV and I smiled at how cute his childlike personality was. I whisked the eggs and poured them into the pan while the bacon cracked in the microwave. The smell was amazing and completely engulfed me as I scrambled the eggs.

I pulled my hair to the side and braided it to keep it somewhat contained. I was still uncomfortably fashioning the same clothes I'd worn last night. "Michael can you watch this food so I can go change?"

He happily jumped up and watched over the stove.

I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before skidding into the bathroom to wash my face. When I got back to the kitchen Michael was dishing out the eggs onto two plates. "It's done?"

"Yup! I added some other stuff to make the eggs better"

I looked at him wondering what he meant and hesitantly took the plate from him.

The eggs were amazing. He brilliantly put cheese and cream into them and made them a billion times better. "Wow. I'll have to make you cook more often"

Michael laughed "I love to cook. When I nearly always make my own food or try to at least"

That surprised me a little and I don't think I'm the only one who would find that different. Most superstars have a cook that takes care of that for them. I guess Michaels has that a long time and wants to act normal when he's out of the public eye. "I'll wash the dishes" Michael said and took my plate. I jumped up and helped him because it was my mess too.

Michaels POV

I loved waking up when I wanted and being able to cook and serve myself breakfast. It was one of the most perfect mornings I'd had in a long time and with ________ there it was even more perfect. "Do you have anywhere you need to be today?" She asked as we settled on the couch. "Nope. I'm free actually until tonight I have a session"

"Want to go shopping?" She asked but tried to take back the words after realizing what she'd said. "Yes actually I do" I surprised her.

"Michael it's ok we can stay here. I know it's difficult and sometimes I just for-"

"I want to. We can wear masks. It'll be fine. With security it won't be so bad. I do it more than you think"

She smiled and we agreed to run by Latoya's before we went shopping so I could change. Going shopping honestly wouldn't be my first desire but if it's what she wants then so be it.

David was waiting in his normal secretive spot around back and I walked faster so I could beat _______ to the door. She smiled and slid into the car.

"You look nice" I complimented her simple yet flattering outfit. Her hair was pulled into a messy braid and she was wearing shorts and a tank top with a jacket tied around her waist.

"Do you want me to wait?" She asked when we pulled up to Latoya's. "Of course not. I want to tell LaToya about us..."

"Ok!" She smiled and followed me out.

I forgot we'd promised not to tell anyone about us but I guess she's ok with just telling LaToya. "Wait. We better not!" I said after reality hit me.


"Because if we tell LaToya, we're not just telling LaToya. She'll tell other people. Like my mom and Janet. I just don't want to take the risk of her telling one of her friends"

_________ smiled and nodded her head in agreement. She decided to still come in but not say anything abnormal that would tip off LaToya.

I knocked the weird rhythm LaToya and I had agreed on as our "code" you could say. It's things like that, although small, it bothered me.

Why couldn't I just walk in? Oh yeah that's right. There's crazy people.

Never for a second do I wish my life differently. I only wish I could have the advantage of being able to be normal sometimes.

"Michael come in!" LaToya yelled from a distance behind the door. _______ followed me in, insisting I go first. I made my way to the room i kept my spare clothes in and changed.

Your POV

I tried to steer the conversation between LaToya and I away from Michael because I'm known for letting things slip. "So you and Michael are going shopping?"


"Yeah. What are you making?" I quickly changed the subject to what she was stirring in a silver pan. "Pasta. If you want to wait I'll serve you up some but I'm sure you want to leave ASAP"

"Yeah we wanna beat the after work mess of people"

"Yeah I understand so do you like Michael?"

"Of course!" I smiled and hoped she meant only as friends. "I mean like like him"

"_______ you ready?" Michael aka my lifesaver right now asked. "Yeah!" I quickly exited the kitchen and followed him out the apartment.

"You saved my life!" I told Michael when we were a safe distance away from the apartment. He laughed at my dramatic statement "Is that so?"

"Yeah LaToya started asking questions. Asking if I liked you"

"Oh. I am your life saver aren't I?"

David, the driver, pulled up in front of a shopping complex. "Here!" Michael handed me one of his silk masks which I tied behind my ears. I'd never realized it but Michael smelled amazing and the scent was trapped in the soft silk of his face mask. It smelled like vanilla and I was immediately drawn to it.

Michaels door was opened by a tall, built man who I assumed was his body guard. "You might wanna put your jacket on and put up your hood" Michael suggested and I quickly acted on it.

You would think we were holding up a sign that said "Michael Jackson is standing right here" by the way people swarmed us. Even with the masks on Michael was spotted like a black sheep in a flock if white lambs.

I held on tightly to Michaels arm and stayed close in the mess of people. Michael whispered things to me but I only heard some of it.

One of things I heard was "Stay close to me and nothing will hurt you. Ever"

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