Chapter 12

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Your POV

"Hi Palestine" I greeted my new stylist and hopefully new friend. Speaking of friends what happened with Liz? I haven't talked to her since the night we went out and she left me. I'll call her tonight.

"Hi _____. I'm going to start with makeup today and I'm going to curl your hair instead of a teased ponytail like yesterday" she told me. I loved that she told me everything before she did it. It relieved a lot of stress.

"So how'd your night go last night?" She continued while searching for something to pin up my hair.

"I was so tired!" I said "I went home and basically went to bed"

And let the worlds most famous sensation sleep on my couch too.

"Sounds like me. I'm going to have to adjust to this new sleep schedule. Get up early enough to shower, eat and leave by 8. Be here and ready by 8:30. Leave at 7:00 pm and then go home to bed"

"No joke. But it's worth it in the long run" I said while flipping through the pages in a magazine. "Where'd you name come from?" I asked.

"I don't know. I know it's a place but my mother died young so I never really knew much about myself"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's ok. I know she's watching over me and is really proud of where I've come"

She twisted my hair around the barrels of heat and out came a perfect curl. I've never really had my hair curled completely, only small sections.

I wonder if I'll see Michael tonight? Not that it matters or whatever I mean it's not like I want to see his reaction to my hair.

Nope. Not at all.

Michaels POV

In the middle of my paid session that costs me money someone opened the door without knocking. I was mad to begin with that someone thinks they have that right but when I saw who it was I was furious.

"Hey Michael come out here for a second" Kyle said through the door. I rolled my eyes and pressed pause on the music. "What?"

"How's it going"

"Just peachy!" I sarcastically snapped at him.

"Is it going to work?"

"I said don't ever bring it up again after our last meeting or I'll tell the whole world your managements a joke. Don't underestimate me"

"Well I would never. But if it doesn't work your career will be over. Don't underestimate me either!"

I turned and slammed the studio door behind me "Sorry closed session" I screamed through the door.

I hit play on the music as an attempt to escape this awful situation and drown out my fears.

I need to stay at my own place tonight but I really genuinely want to see _______. Maybe I'll bring over some dinner.

Your POV

"When you walk, walk with pride and over confidence in yourself!" Mr. Halter taught us. Everyone nodded and lined up to practice the walk down and back up the runway.

He critiqued each of us as we made our way to the end. "Move your hips more" he told me. "There's a glare on your forehead" he told Jennifer behind me.

It was the same as yesterday and I hoped this wouldn't be the same routine everyday because that'll get old fast. I couldn't stop touching and adoring my hair. "Palestine I love my hair!"

"Good! You haven't had your hair curled before?"

"Nope. Well not completely and it's usually in a ponytail"

"Well I'll have to have you over sometime and we can get all fixed up then go out or something!"

"That'd be really fun!"

She smiled and helped me into my next change of clothes before break.

Michaels POV

I checked the clock. 4:00. The sound producers are late. I have a life.

If they aren't here by 5 I'll record it myself and get some food for ______ and I then head to my house right outside Hollywood.

I played with anything I could to pass time and entertain myself but I grew impatient really fast. It's only 4:36 now but I don't care, I'm going to record. I set the automatic play timer for 5 minutes and quickly put my headset on.

The booth was silent until the beginning of Liberian Girl started. The pre-recorded girl said her thing and I came in.

Halfway into my 4th run through the sound producers came through with Mr. DiLeo. I continued the song until the music faded out and it was over. "Hi Mr. DiLeo. I'm sorry I have plans tonight and I needed to get started"

"Not a problem. How many times did you record?"


"You can go. They'll finish it from here. If it's good, which I have no doubt it isn't, then we may not run it tomorrow"

"Thank you Mr. DiLeo"

Your POV

I kicked off my heels at the door and relieved my feet immediately. I'm starving. My hands searched my empty fridge for something, anything to eat. "Delivery" someone knocked and said through my door.

I padded over to the door and opened it with my chain lock still hooked to make sure it wasn't someone dangerous or whatever. "Michael?"

I shut the door and unlocked it. "What's this?"

"Dinner. You like Pizza?"

"Dumb question!"

He smiled and came inside. He set the hot and amazing smelling pizza on the counter and I grabbed some plates. "Woah"

"Yes?" I asked with my back to him.

"You. There's something different. Your hair. It's. It's beautiful"

I turned to see his hazel eyes watching my every move "Thank you" I blushed. I slid him a plate and put two pieces on my plate. "I really mean it"

"Well thank you. That's sweet"

"Oh and I won't be needing a place to sleep tonight. I don't want to put you out anymore"

"Michael stop. You're welcome anytime. It's nice having someone to talk to in the morning. It gets lonely"

"Tell me about it. And thanks but my sister LaToya just got a new place close by and so I'll be there a lot now too"

"Where's your closest house?"

"An hour away. I hate it in Hollywood. It's too crowded and there's no where I can stay on my own"

"It's all I know besides Ohio"

"There's so much more. I love it in Los Olivos. It's so much less crowded and there's a lot of land. I wanna build some place of my own. Huge and full of things I never got as a child. Privacy, freedom, enjoyment without being mobbed. That stuff"

I just listened to him talk. I could for hours. He's so smart and full of amazing ideas. I feel bad he never had a normal life. I'm sure he's just a child at heart being forced into adulthood. My pizza was cold because I was so completely absorbed in his words. "Wow. That's amazing"

"Thank you. I'm hoping after this album comes out that can actually happen"

"I hope so. That'd be an amazing thing"

"The best part is I wouldn't have it all to myself. I want to bring sick, terminally ill kids there to enjoy a day of fun without a crowded atmosphere. And I wanna have something for everyone. Even the ones who can't get out of bed"

He's making this whole "I can't be in a relationship" thing really hard right now.

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