First Appointment

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Your POV
"Michael are you ready?" I yelled up the grand staircase. "Is it bad I'm ready before my husband is?" I laughed as he came parading down the stairs. He entertained his usual attire.

"Hey, gotta look my best. Dress as if you're going to see your enemies dear"

"I'm pregnant. I have the right to look gross" I laughed. Michael scoped me up unexpectedly and kissed me.

"Babe you should know by now that you could never look anything but perfect"

"Just wait until I'm having this baby"

"Oh trust me, that's when you'll your best; or at least to me you will because you'll be having our baby"

I kissed him because he always knew the most perfect words and how to arrange them to make me weak in the knees.

Michael's POV

I carried my glowing wife out to the tinted SUV and gently set her inside the freezing vehicle. I quickly turned off the brutal air vents and she smiled. "Michael you're hot natured, you can keep the air on"

"_______, the hot nature I have can't be cooled by some air vents" I winked at her and she filled the car with laughs. Her laugh was some beautiful, I wish I had to replay endlessly.

Your POV

I loved Michael's sense of humor, it never failed to make me laugh or smile. I nervously twiddled my thumbs, afraid of what this appointment might hold. Michael took note of my anxious actions and kissed my head. "It'll be ok _______"

"I'm just worried. What if something's wrong?"

"Nothing could ever be wrong with a child. They may have a disorder or problem, but any problem dealt to you can be handled. If there is something wrong, we will take such amazing care of our baby they'll never know they're different from others"

"Michael Joseph Jackson I love you with all my heart. Thank you, thank you so much for loving me" my eyes began to water and I held onto Michael as he stroked my head.

"No _______. I should be the one thanking you for showing me the light in this beautiful world. I couldn't love anyone more than you and our baby" he said as he held my flat stomach.

The car pulled up and Michael opened the door for me. He helped me down the talk vehicle, although I was perfectly fine. I know it gives him peace of mind knowing he's helping me, so I'll keep my quiet.

He opened the door for me, and I smiled at him. I know he was mimicking my action but it was concealed by a deep blue, silk mask. He insisted on checking us in, but I wouldn't have it. "I want this appointment to be as private as possible"

So, I walked up to the front desk and wrote my name on a lined piece of paper. "Name please" the receptionist asked me without making eye contact. "Um.. ________ Jackson"

The woman finally met my eyes and hers were extremely wide. "You're. You're. Michael Jacksons wife!"

"I'd really appreciate it if this would be kept on the DL"

She vigorously nodded and I smiled and returned to a seat next to Michael. A couple was blankly staring at us, and I wasn't appreciating it. I'm glad we were called because those people were about to be flown some nasty words.

"Right this way Mr. and Mrs. Jackson" a nurse guided us to a private room at the back of the building.

The nursing staff around us did their best job at remaining unknown to the presence of the Jacksons. The nurse opened the door to a room and Michael stepped aside so I could enter first. I pulled him in behind me though as I grabbed his hand. I hopped up on the rough paper that covered the sterilized table or chair. I'm not really sure.

"I'm Dr. Stein and I'll be your OBGYN throughout your pregnancy. I just have a few routine questions I need to ask you for your profile here"

The doctor continued and asked multiply somewhat invasive questions. Michael quietly sat as the doctor asked if we were frequently... active... I knew if I looked at him, his cheeks would be tinted pink. "Okay are you on your cycle currently?"


"Okay, I'm going to ask you to lay back on the table and lift up your shirt"

I followed her directions and Michael stood up to hold my hand. I hoped none of this would be painful, but with Michael by my side I know I could get through it even so. "I'm going to smear this gel over you stomach. It shouldn't sting or hurt in any way, it's only cold"

I nodded and tried to brace myself for the cold gel that was being smeared over my stomach. Dr. Stein explained that the wand she was going to move across me was to find the baby. Michael was smiling ear to ear, he was to giddy.

At night I just adore looking at him sleep sometimes. To others that would appear abnormal or odd, but how could you not. I mean the person you're going to love until the end of time is just so peacefully and beautifully sleeping next to you. He slept with a smile on his face last night. My heart was so happy and warm after that. His life is so difficult and demanding, I'm so flattered and honored to be by his side and help him through it all. His face at night is usually troubled or blank and after last night I can't wait for this baby to be here.

All morning he was anxious to get to the appointment and see the baby on the monitor.

"Right there" the doctor pointed to the screen. Her finger was aiming at a tiny... dot.

A dot.

"There's your baby" she smiled and said she would be back soon after I started crying.

Michael's POV

______'s tears were out of pure joy and the moment I stand in is so blissful and joyous. I love this woman more than my own life and I would do anything in this world for her. She wiped the tears from under her eyes as I sat next to her on the hospital table. "I hope it looks like you" I told her

"Oh Michael" she cried and leaned her head on my shoulder, "I love you so much, but if this baby doesn't at least have your eyes and smile I don't know what I'll do!"

I laughed and couldn't ignore the tear that fell from my eye onto the plastic paper. "My heart is just so happy"

She squeezed my hand, "This is our baby Michael"

"Thank you for giving me everything I've ever wanted in my life"

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