Chapter 5

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Your POV

Michael slumped on my couch.

My gosh. His eyes.

I quickly snapped back when he removed his signature hat and set it on my coffee table. "Wow" I whispered. Apparently he was also gifted with good hearing.

"It's just unbelievable. You're here in my house. Michael Jackson"

"I'm human too. You don't have to treat me any different. In fact don't treat me any different. Please"

I nodded. "Michael I never meant to hurt you earlier"

He looked down.

"I'm just in a very delicate situation right now"

"Who is he?"

"No that's not what I'm saying. There is no one. And that's the thing. There can't be anyone"


"I know you won't tell so here it goes. When I signed my contract for my management I agreed not to have any relationships for 4 years. Until I have proven I can manage a full time modeling career and relationship"

Michael nodded.


"You're not going to make this easy" I laughed.

"Well you make this near impossible. I mean look at you" he smiled.

I looked down and realized I was in my pajamas and Michael was still casually dressed.

I quickly covered my embarrassed face behind my hands and stood there.

Michaels presence was felt in front of me and he reached out and removed my hands.

"Boo" he teased.

I laughed and walked into the kitchen. "You want anything?" I hollered which was a mistake because he was right behind me.

He laughed "Water".

I filled a glass with ice and water and handed it to him "Here ya go Mr. Bad" I smiled.

His eyes widened "You know about that?"

"Yes Michael. Who doesn't. It's not like I just found out you existed"

"I got that from your dance moves" he laughed.

I felt embarrassed by his comment but couldn't help joining him.

The laughter carried on all through the night as Michael told stories of crazed fans or mishaps on stage.

"No, wait. Wait" I tried to catch my breath quickly "you mean your zipper was down and you didn't notice. And your drummer had to tell you"

Michael lost it after that and he caught me from rolling on the floor laughing.

The tears were real. I'm not gonna lie.

When I checked the clock it flashed 2:03 am. My expression fell serious and I finally caught my breath. "Okay. Now for real. Where are you supposed to be?"


"Funny. Ok enough with the jokes. Where do you live"

"Here. There. Everywhere."

"Michael! C'mon! Where are you gonna sleep tonight?"

"Here" he smiled. I slapped my palm to my forehead, "Didn't you hear? I can't be in a relationship right now!"

"Who said anything about a relationship?" Michael winked and stood up to escape to the bathroom.

Michaels POV

I quickly walked past the mirror, as checking my reflection never was something I enjoyed.

"______?" I peeked around the corner into the living room. ____ was curled up in a ball at the end of the couch, her eyes closed.

She resembled an angel.

And maybe I'm wrong for thinking that after we just met but I call it as I see it.

A blanket and pillow were sitting next to her and since she wasn't using them herself I assumed she'd sweetly set them out for me.

She looked so peaceful. So serene. Like she was dreaming deeply.

There was no way her position was comfortable and I wasn't going to sleep in her bed.

Using only half of my strength I lifted up her light body and began carrying her to her room.

Her head moved and nestled deeper into my chest while her hand rested over my shoulder.

"Michael?" she murmured as soon as I covered her up.

"I'm here" I assured her.

"Stay" her hand reached out and grabbed mine.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere"


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