I'll Be There

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Your POV

Michael was entertaining me as we waited to here the sex of our admired child. He pointed to funny pictures or misprints in magazines as I laughed at them. "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson..."

My laughter subsided as the doctors expression brought fear to my eyes. "Doctor?" Michael asked, worry also clear in his voice.

"I'm so sorry"

"No. What's the baby. Is it a boy? We wanted a boy!" tears brimmed my eyes as they fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry. There was a complication, but this doesn't mean-"

I sobbed and wailed in the small office that seemed to slowly be closing in. Michael was by my side, crying also. We wept into each others arms for the loss of our child we never had the privilege of knowing.

An arm pulled mine, and I was pulled out of the horrifying image. "________?!" Michael was labeled with fear in his eyes, just as he was in the nightmare.

"I- it was.." but I couldn't finish the sentence. It was all to vivid and real to me. My face was soaked from already crying in my sleep, but now it was even more wet as I sobbed more. Michael held me tight and whispered soothing words into my ear. He rocked me in his arms until my eyes fell heavy again.

"Don't worry. Nothing will ever hurt you our baby" he assured me as he held my stomach and kissed my head.

Michaels POV

I skipped my meeting scheduled this morning, and stayed in bed until _______ woke. Her body was still sweaty from the nightmares that consumed her last night. It pained me to see her such a way. I knew being here when she woke up would give her extra comfort today.

"Michael?" she turned and looked up at me, fear still dwindling behind her eyes.

"I'm here. I'm always here, and I'm not going anywhere"

"Good because I'd be lost without my light" she smiled with her eyes closed as she drifted back into slumber. I was serving as her personal pillow, so I just went back to sleep also.

"Michael wait..." she propped herself up on her elbow.

"Yes my dearest"

"I'm so scared" tears started to brim my eyes as I remembered the nightmare that consumed my mind last night.

Michael rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, "Everything's going to be perfect"

"But Michael what if- I've been awfully sick lately and if something were to happen I don't know how I'd carry on with myself. If I lost this child... I would..."

"You would stay here and have me"

"But I want to give you a baby. I want to more than anything else!" her voice was laced with genuine fear for our child, but the way she talked made me think that if she lost the baby she'd lose me.

"_______ if something happens, Heaven forbid, I will still love you the same and even more because as each day presses on, I find myself falling deeper in love with you"

"This is why we work" she cried and held onto me tighter.

"I love you ______. And don't ever think you'll lose me babe. I'm the one who's lucky to have you"

Your POV

I remained in bed for most of the day, trying not to empty my stomach onto the floor. Michael was in the house somewhere because he had to actually wake up and face the world. A beeping sound signaled that Michael was requesting me on the speaker. "Yes Michael?"

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