Chapter 22

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Your POV

This morning I actually didn't drag myself out of bed. I was up and leaving on time. Maybe it was the excitement I felt for tonight with Michael.

"Hi Palestine!" I gave a friendly hug and sat in my chair. "So do you wanna get dinner tonight?"

"I would love to but I have plans" I frowned.

"Ooh! With who?" She smirked. I could never actually tell her who so I just said a friend. She bought it I think and continued teasing my hair.

I nearly died from the insane amount of hair spray she thought was necessary to hold my hair up. "I heard Mr. Halter talking about you"

Palestine immediately stopped spraying and spun me around to meet her face to face. "You what?!"

I laughed at how serious she was acting "Mr. Halter was talking about you. He said you were doing very well"

"Really!" She clapped her hands and squealed. I couldn't help but laugh at how happy she was over the simple mention of her name.

But I can't blame her. When Michael said my name there's a sense of happiness.

Michaels POV

"Those!" I pointed to a row of Barbies and David took them all and put them in the cart.

We were shopping for stuff to bring to little kids at the hospital. When it came to children I never saw a problem with spending a large amount of money on them. Considering I never really had a childhood and I know how hard that was, I want to make sure no other child has to go through that.

"Ooh those too!" I pointed to a stack of remote control airplanes.

I think we ended up with 6 carts full of toys. By the time we finished it was already 4 o clock. I'm pretty sure _______ gets off at 7 so I just decided to head back to LaToya's.

LaToyas apartment was completely empty but it smelled like Lasagna! A note taped to the fridge said,

"_______ dropped off some lasagna this morning so I cooked it for lunch. Out shopping be home later tonight! Xoxo LaToya"

I lifted back the foil and was hit with the amazing familiar smell of the lasagna we had at _______'s.

That was really sweet of her.

Your POV

"Bye Palestine!"

"Bye!" She smiled and waved as I made my way out of the glass building.

It was only 6:48 so I decided to grab a soda at the gas station on the corner. "Hi can I get a small soda?"

The lady rang me up and I paid. Today I actually took my time walking home and realized things I'd never realized before. Like there's a little boutique really close to my apartment, and if I look hard enough I can see the Hollywood sign.

I unlocked my apartment and shut the door behind me. The clock flashed 7:23 so I decided to get dressed since Michael said he'd be here around 9. I slipped off my dress and threw on some jeans, a white tank top and my black nikes.

As I sat on the couch watching Entertainment tonight, the red flashing light on my phone caught my eye. I pressed play "Hey ______! It's Michael" I would've recognized him by his voice "LaToya's gone all night so if you want you could come over. I mean only if you want! Ok bye"

I laughed at how cute and nervous he sounded and grabbed my purse to leave.

Michaels POV

I was so bored I was to the point of actually watching the news. No cartoons were on and there was literally nothing to do. A radio caught my eye so I jumped up and slipped my Thriller cd LaToya had into the player. A little practice can't hurt right?

The beat of Thriller started and in clearly remembered the dance in my mind. I scooted her coffee table back and rolled up the rug. I decided singing along might catch the unwanted attention of some neighbors. So I just danced.

Your POV

I knocked three times before finally just opening the door which was unlocked. Music soared through the whole house. Obviously that's why no one answered. They couldn't hear anything.


No response.

I quietly made my way around the house and peeked into the living room. Michael held his arms up and started walking to the right. I immediately recognized that dance. Who wouldn't? So I waited for the refrain to come around.

As the lyrics disappeared the refrain came up. I jumped out and yelled "CAUSE THIS IS THRILLER. THRILLER NIGHT!"

Michael nearly hit the ceiling he jumped so high and when he realized it was me we both laughed. We laughed so hard I was on the floor rolling around and Michael was holding his stomach.

When we finally caught our breath Michael said "So how long had you been watching me?" He lifted an eyebrow, waiting for my answer. "Only a while. Promise. Like 5 minutes?"

"Well? How'd it look?"

I was a little taken back from his question. I thought he might be mad. "Well. It looked exactly like it did in the video!"

"Well thank you!" he blushed. I love how embarrassed he got. And how easy he got embarrassed. "So. When do we leave?"

"Now if you'd like?" Michael asked my opinion. "Really? Yeah ok. I'm so excited!" After I said it I realized how bad it sounded saying I was excited to see sick children. Michael laughed when I covered my mouth. "No I get what you meant. It's ok. I get excited too!"

"Ok good. I was panicking there" I laughed.

Michael locked the apartment behind us and he covered his face with a surgical mask. "Here" he handed me one too which I accepted because if anyone found out it was him I'd be dead.

He once again proved to be a classic gentlemen and opened the car door for me and I actually didn't scoot over to the other side. I sat in the middle.

Michaels POV

It was obvious ______ was sitting closer. And maybe that's a good sign? Maybe we're getting somewhere.

"Thanks for bringing me Michael" she said pulling down her mask. "It's my pleasure"

"Aren't you going to take off your mask?"

"Nope. I like them. They make me feel like a surgeon"

She raised an eyebrow testing to see if I was serious. "I'll show you!" I reached out and tickled her stomach. She busted out laughing screaming "STOP!" between laughs.

I was laughing just as hard as her just watching her. "I hate to interrupt Mr. Jackson but we're here" David informed me. I stopped and she sat up from the seat. She tried to scowl at me but lost it laughing. "You bully" she smiled and I knew she was teasing.

I opened the door for her and she jumped out. "I love your outfit by the way" I complimented and her cheeks turned a light pink. "I like yours too" she sweetly replied referring to my classic button up and loafers look.

Her eyes widened when she saw two more cars behind us unloading toys. "Wow. You did all this?"

"Every week I try and make a trip here with toys for the kids"

She just stared for awhile until I told had to c'mon. Even then her expression was weird. What was going through her mind?

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