Chapter 10

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Your POV

My heels made that sound against concrete as I made my way to Kevin's office. I formed a fist and knocked on the door before going in. "Hello ______"

"Hi Kevin. Did they drop off all the paperwork for the fashion show?"

"Yeah. We can go over it now before my break" he handed me a packet of papers "I already circled the important stuff and where you need to sign"

I flipped through the packet to a yellow highlighted area. "MUST BE UNDER 130lbs. ANYMORE AND YOU WILL BE TERMINATED" I signed the blank.

Another yellow spot caught my eye "NO RELATIONSHIPS AT ALL (excludes friends) BEFORE OR 2 DAYS AFTER THE SHOW"

My heart sank a little and I don't know why? Was I expecting something else? I signed the blank. "You can sign the rest at home. I need that back by tomorrow before 5" Kevin informed me.

"Is there anything I need to be going to?"

"Here's a schedule. You'll have practice everyday from the end of June (now) to August 4th (a day before the show). They'll put you in your clothes everyday and makeup. So it will always be full dress rehearsal. Don't mess this up ______ with that guy friend of yours either ok?"

"Don't worry. We're just friends. Promise"

Michaels POV

"Can you go a note higher on 'way' Michael?"

"Yeah" I nodded and cued them to run it again. I nailed the high note and hoped they'd be impressed enough so I could get out of here. All I could think about was ____ and running into Kyle. Normally I'd beg to stay loner but I needed to run to the store before I met her. "Michael let's run it one more time and then we'll be good is that ok?"

"Yeah that's fine. Could you send my driver in please?"

David my driver came in and I asked him to go to the store and pick up a liter of Coke since I couldn't go out in public without being mobbed. He nodded and I thanked him before refocusing on the microphone in front of me.

They hit play and I preformed the song the same way I had before. The producers smiled satisfied and discussed the next studio session for 'Liberian Girl' and 'Man in the Mirror'.

"Am I free to go?" I asked. They nodded and I grabbed my jacket before racing out. I nearly trampled the most important man to me right now. Mr. DiLeo. "Hello Michael. I came down to listen"

"Hi Frank. I was just finished actually but I'm sure they'll play it back for you a few times"

"Thank you Michael" he smiled and shook my hand before scooting past me. "Evening Michael" Kyle's annoying voice hit my ears. "Excuse me" I said annoyed before brushing past him and hitting the elevator button.

My watch read 7:49 and I began to panic, afraid I wouldn't make it in time. David patiently sat behind back and I hurried in. "I'm in a rush David. I need to get to _____'s apartment fast. Like 10 minutes fast."

"I'll do my best. But it is Hollywood Mr. Jackson"

Not what I wanted to hear.

Your POV.

I lit the lemon scented candle on the coffee table before starring the spaghetti again. It's 7:52 and Michael isn't here.

Stop panicking. It's not a big deal. I told myself over and over again.

I turned on the TV in time for the end of the 7:30 news. "And that's all that's been reported about the missing Sarah Lawson"

The show following was my favorite episode of Friends, so I kicked my feet up and ignored the fact I was in a dress. It was just and only dress I wore sometimes. It was a casual peach dress with a heart cutout in the back.

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