The Honeymoon

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Michael's POV

My life is whole.

My heart is beating with joy.

And I can clearly see thanks to the shining light within _______.

________ Jackson.

It couldn't be anymore perfect than that.

We escaped from the small, satisfying crowd of my family. ______ jumped on my back and times of us sneaking around her apartment like this brought a glowing smile to my face. Her arms securely wrapped around my neck as I carried her to the white limousine. She slid down my back, throwing the bouquet to my sister Janet, and sharing one more kiss publicly before we left.

Her tiny hands waved to my- our family and I opened the door for her. She slid inside and waited for me to join her.

"This was the best day of my life Michael" she smiled at her glowing hand.

"I can proudly and easily say the same" I said before kissing my new wife again.


Your POV

I snuggled as close as I could to Michael and tried to close my eyes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep. I was too happy.

My fingers messed with Michael's as his pilot spoke over the intercom "Okay you two, we'll be landing in Paris in 45 minutes so have your things prepared" he informed us.

Our patience was wearing thin as the hotel room we had reserved was begging for our finally intimate presence.

I opened the window covering, only to be exposed to a city of lights. Darkness covered the sky but nothing but lights covered the ground distant below us. "Michael it's breathtaking"

"Are you talking about yourself again?"

"No" I blushed "I'm referring to Paris. It's absolutely gorgeous"

"Wait till you see the Disney world here" the child inside Michael spoke out.

I couldn't help but love when he brought out the inner child within him. His whole life has been spent acting as an adult, even as a child he never received the normal things one did. This was most definitely one of my most desired things about Michael. When he's with me, and I with him, it's easy to goof off and just simply enjoy the freedom we have. Michael is so easy to talk to because he's so brilliant. Within a matter of seconds he could explain something so magnificent to you that you would've never thought to even think about. His passion for dance and song were another thing I admired about my husband. He never once was satisfied with his work. He pushes himself to new levels that inspires so many people. "Are you okay?" Michael sweetly asked at my blank expression due to my deep thoughts.

"Yes, thanks to you, I couldn't be any better"


"No please one more time?" Michael begged me to ride the swirling tea cups again. "Fine but then I choose"

"Yes ma'am" he laughed and pulled me to the empty line again.

It was the perfect day for us to be here, not many people occupied the extravagant amusement park, and those who did left us alone for the most part.

This week had barely started and I knew it was already going to be perfect.


"Let's go back to the suite"

"Okay good. My legs are about to give out" I laughed as Michael nearly threw up from the intimidating roller coaster we just got off of.

"Better get some rest. You'll need your energy for later" he winked at me. I swatted him for such vulgar talk in public. "I was referring to dinner later? Get your head out of the gutter woman" he laughed and boated the same tea cup we've say in the last four times.

"Hey I'm not the one who just taped the 'Do Not Disturb' sign to the door"

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