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Your POV

So many people visited us while we were confided in a small hospital room for four days. We were released to go, and Michael was helping me pack my belongings he brought from Neverland. The door opened, and Elizabeth Taylor waltzed into our room like she owned it. Great.

"Elizabeth!" Michael cheered and ran to hug her. I held back the vile and jealousy rising in my throat. She liked Michael, and that was extremely obvious, not that she was any threat to me.

"How are you Michael dear?" she said as she squeezed him so tight that he had to be uncomfortable. My hugs were obviously more endearing and loving than hers. He pulled away and kissed her cheek. "I don't mean to interrupt"

Yes I do.

"But Michael, I need your help shutting this bag" I referred to the overflowing luggage carrier. Michael kissed my cheek and helped me smash down our belongings into one bag.

"So where's my Godchild?" Elizabeth said with such nerve. Michael looked at me, he had never told her that, but being the good soul Michael is he said, "We haven't quite chosen that yet, but you're definitely on the list"

I tried not to laugh at the oblivious woman. We had already picked McCulley Culkin as Princeton's Godfather. "So where's the little cutie that's already made headlines!"

"Right here" Michael smiled proudly down upon his child. He cradled him close, and revealed him to Elizabeth. She extended her arms and stole Princeton from Michael. Seriously?

"Hi angel! I'm Elizabeth. You can call me Aunt Elizabeth though because we know that no one would believe I'm your Granada"

Michael's POV

________ started charging Elizabeth, but I pulled her to me. She was so furious with Elizabeth that I let out little laugh. That did her in. She stormed out of the room. "_______! Angel stop!"

"Let her go Michael. She needs time alone"

I nodded my head, and sat on the hospital bed while Elizabeth made baby noises to our son. The bed sank next to me, and Elizabeth was sitting next to me. "You know Michael, women are stubborn. _______ just seems extra needy right now, and wants all the attention. Even though the whole world has all eyes on her, it doesn't seem to be enough. She isn't grateful. She seems to bitter. Michael, you deserve so much better than her"

Your POV

My steam blew off fast, and I felt guilty for my actions towards Michael. As I began to open the door to our room, I heard Elizabeth. When she said, "You deserve so much better than her" I lost it. Before I had the chance to pound in the Botoxed face of thee Elizabeth Taylor, Michael spoke up. "Listen Elizabeth, you have no right to say that. _______ is my wife, my soul mate, the mother of my child. She had given me so much! I love her more than my own life, and for you to say that to me is hurtful. _______ was right when she had suspicions about you. Give me my son, and feel free to leave"

I barged into the room, and Michael was now comforting our baby. "You heard him... LEAVE!" I yelled, and smiled deviously when I heard the door slam of her way out.

"Michael I love you so much. I'm sorry was rude earlier for storming out. Thank you for defending me. That means so much to me"

Michael brushed some lose strands of hair off my face, "You were right all along, I was too blindsided to see it. I love you more _______. Now let's go home to Neverland"

Michael's POV

Frank helped load the bag into the car, while _______ fiddled with car seat. Crowds of reporter and fans swarmed the car and hospital lot. People snapped more pictures than I had ever seen. The baby was so sensitive to light that we had to cover him up. I locked us in, and Frank drove off. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jackson"

"Thank you Frank" I patted his shoulder, as he drove us home.

________ watched Princeton the whole way home, love clear in her eyes. When he opened his eyes she smiled so bright you'd think you needed sunglasses. "Good morning my sweet Prince" she laughed, and held out her pinky finger for him to hold.

Your POV

Michael carried the blue baby carrier into the house, while Frank hauled everything else in. My weak body collapsed onto the couch. Michael returned after putting Princeton down into his crib. "Thank you angel"

I was so weak I couldn't even speak, so I just nodded as he kissed my forehead. I dozed off, and felt a big pair of arms carrying me up the stairs. Michael tucked me into the bed, and kissed me goodnight. He wanted to lay next to me, but he knew there was a very good risk that Princeton would need attention soon. Michael quietly closed the door behind him, and I was left to peacefully rest.

Michael's POV

I returned to my library, and picked up an old book I never quite finished reading.

"How to be the Perfect Father"

My eyes were hungry for information pertaining to the title. It's so important to me that I make Princeton happy, and that he knows I love him so much. My love for ________ and Princeton will never die, and it won't lessen. I was so wrapped up in my book, I hadn't noticed a sleepy _________ shuffling towards me. "Awake already angel?"

"I couldn't sleep" she yawned, and sat on my lap while her head rested on my shoulder. I kissed her with so much love in me, and she returned the kiss. While we were lovingly kissing, my baby monitor lit up and our little boy started screaming. "I got it" I kissed ______'s forehead before heading upstairs to tend to our newborn.

Your POV

I scanned the library, and picked up the book Michael was so engrossed in. "How to be the Perfect Father" I read aloud, "Aw Michael"

I cried and smiled because I had the greatest husband in the world. He was so loyal to me and is already the most amazing father in the world. After his childhood, it's so important to Michael that he shows the world that he can be a better father than his own was.

I scurried upstairs and opened the door to the nursery. Michael was swaying Princeton and singing to him. "You took away the fear

And you brought me back to the light

You are the sun

you make me shine

more like the stars that twinkle at night

you are the moon that glows in my heart

you are my daytime

my nighttime

my world

You are my life"

"Michael that was so beautiful" I started to cry, but he reached out and swept away the tear.

"Don't cry my love. Your tears are too precious to be shed because of me"

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