The Allegtions

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Your POV

Princeton is growing to be a big and cheerful handful. The doctors say he's now 3 weeks old, which makes him no longer premature. I'm so proud of my little bundle of joy. Michael is absolutely beaming, besides the fact that he leaves for the Super Bowl tonight and he's been stressing. His perfectionist attitude always gets the best of him before he performs. I laid Princeton down for his nap, and scurried off to find Michael.

"Maria have you seen Michael?" I asked after searching every corner of our large house.

"He's outside Mrs. Jackson" she sweetly smiled. I thanked her and hurried off to find Michael. The gate to the ranch opened in the distance, and cars started filing in. I was fearful as to why, and it urged me to find Michael.

"I should've known you would be here" I giggled up at my monkey husband perched up in the man made nest of his giving tree. Michael didn't move and didn't speak.

I climbed up the perfectly structured tree and was disturbed at what I found. Michael's cheeks were covered in his running eyeliner, and his eyes were red and swollen.


"_______. It's so bad"

My heart broke at the scene unfolding before me. I cozied up next to him, and he just unravelled. He sobbed into my chest and clenched onto me as if he were falling and I was his anchor. I dared not to ask what this was all centered around. I just held my broken love and prayed for him. He was in such pain. I'd never seen Michael so devastated and hurt.

After awhile he wiped away his wet eyes, and met them with mine. "_______. I need you to know that none of this is true before I tell you what tragedy has happened. You know people find some kind of sick pleasure in torturing me"

"Michael most everything they say about you is hurtful and absolutely wrong. No matter what the obstacle, I'll be by your side always"

"________ I'm being alleged of child molestation"

"No" I screamed so loudly that people exiting the long procession of cars looked up. Michael was sobbing again, and all I could do was hold my misunderstood and destroyed husband.

Michael's POV

My eyes burned with a raging fury but also a sting of destruction and defeat. I thought the worst of all my career would be pinned for bleaching my skin, but this... I can't begin to comprehend the affect this will have on me and my family and career. _______ had bravely dried her tears and approached the lawyers that Mr. DiLeo had sent to my aid. She discussed with them in the assigned conference room inside the house. All I could do was stare at all of them in silence. When their rushed voices finally ceased, I involuntarily spoke up, "I didn't do it"

Every eye in the room pin pointed me, piercing me with a judgmental
look. ________ noticed my un-comfort and the pain beginning to reek havoc over me again. "If you'll excuse us, we'll return shortly" _______ said and grabbed my hand, pulling me up from my seat.

I followed her upstairs and into our bedroom where so many memories prevailed, but they didn't make me smile like usual. Once alone, _______ just latched onto me. We stood, silently crying to one another. "Please don't leave me _______ and please don't take our little boy"

She pulled away from me, and looked into my eyes. I was obviously more hurt than her, but she was hurting so deeply too. "Michael Joseph Jackson I will never leave your side no matter what the problem. You are, and always will be, the absolute love of my life. You're the only person I need to be happy Michael. I will be right here, holding Princeton in my arms, both of us aren't going anywhere and we're going to fight this with you until the end"

________ finished with tears in her beautiful eyes, the ones I couldn't adore more. Her words got me, and now I was crying again. Not because of the undeniably painful sadness, but the realization that this woman sitting in front of me is the only person I need in my life and she is committed to never leaving my side. At times like this, it's reassuring to know her love could never fail me.

_______ took my hand and we walked to the nursery next door. Princeton, my little boy, was wide awake and being entertained by the carousel above his crib. "He takes after his mother with the love of carousels" I lightly laughed.

"Hey now, that's a good thing!" she smiled, and scooped him up. His tiny fingers delicately rapped around _______'s as she swayed him back and forth. I observed her motherly actions and loving glare at our little angel.

"________... thank you. I say that a lot, but I don't think it could ever be said enough. You are such an amazing mother to our little boy. I know I haven't been as faithful as expected, and you've done such a flawless job of comforting and loving Princeton. I see the living way you watch and admire him everyday"

"Michael it was my destiny to be a mother, and to be a mother to your child is truly a great blessing. Now, I've been thinking. Princeton is such a lovely and fitting name for our little Prince, but what if we called him that for short. Prince Joseph Jackson as a nickname"

She looked up at me, searching for approval. I swept away a loose hair from her forehead and kissed that spot, "I absolutely love that name"

Your POV

Michael was so emotionally drained, and he needed to rest before tonight. I insisted he take a nap, and he barely testified. My bare feet pitter pattered down the stairs of Michael and I's glorious house. The conference room was wide open, and everyone was discussing when I halted their voices. "Ok, everyone here better be on our side. My Michael is beyond innocent on every account! I need people willing to prove that to the blind or deaf. Tonight he has one of the most iconic performances in America, and this has completely messed with him as would it anyone else. He will remain the main event for tonight as of now. When he returns I need valid reasons to reassure him that you are doing everything within your power to get him out of this legally innocent"

A man stood up from the end of the stretched table, "Mrs. Jackson, I pledge my time to prove the innocence of your husband"

His announcement slowly spread, and before I knew it, every person in the room was standing up reciting the same thing. It almost brought joyous tears to my eyes knowing these people were willing to do anything they could to prove Michael is innocent. "Thank you" I smiled and dismissed myself to go make Michael a late afternoon lunch.

Sheryl, the house cook, came out from the kitchen. "Honey, I'm so sorry about all of this" she patted my back sympathetically as I punched 30 seconds into the microwave.

"It's ok Sheryl. It isn't your fault, but it just doesn't seem fair. I mean, all Michael has done is try to help people and his heart just isn't there. Did you know, the only time we've been intimate is the honeymoon and then to have Princeton..." I somewhat laughed at my exposure of too much information, "Sorry, none of your business. All I'm saying is that it isn't in Michael's heart to harm a child like that"

"Well Mrs. Jackson I think you may have just found what you'll say for your testimony" she squeezed my hand, and excused herself back to work. I could see her wipe away a tear as she closed the door behind her.

I hadn't thought of that.

I have to testify for Michael.

I was here the entire time that boy was here, and the other times he visited.

I could have the power to save the love of my life from any harm, the only challenge now was convincing the filthy press.

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