Chapter 2 - Locked and loaded

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We had been waiting on Highway 18, 2 miles west of Interstate 85, for what felt like multiple very long, drawn out days. When I checked the clock though, much to my displeasure, it had only been about 25 fucking minutes.

The unrelenting sun was beating down on my poor pale skin, to the point where every inch of my body felt red hot to the touch and I was pretty sure the sunscreen wasn't doing its job. SPF 50 my arse...

If I stayed out here even for another minute, I was quite certain I would probably get sun stroke and die, my lifeless body being unrecognisable and easily be compared to the shade of a lobster. Okay, maybe that's a little bit dramatic, but still...

"How much longer do we have to wait for this? I'll be burnt to a crisp before anything goes down." I yelled, swatting flies off my sweaty and already blistering skin. These two twats didn't even seem fazed by the sweltering heat that was making me feel so uncomfortable, sitting there and lapping up the sun's rays like it was nothing.

"Just go sit in your car, turn on some music, go on your phone, whatever. We will shout you if we hear anything." Rick said, leaning his head back so he'd get an even tan line. I narrowed my eyes and huffed as I headed for the safety of my car, causing him to smile when he thought I'd followed his instructions. Quite frankly, I'd do literally anything to get out of this torture that was also known as the sun, even if that meant letting him think I was doing as he said.

The two of them stayed sat in their patrol car with the doors wide open, talking about God knows what and laughing with each other every now and then. My brother was so close to Shane and as nice a sight it was, I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous that he got to spend so much time with my brother.

They had been partners for well over 4 years now and Shane was there for him every step of the way when Rick went for Sheriff. They were like a well oiled machine at work then the best of friends after, and I couldn't help but wish I had made even one connection like theirs.

I was a loner and I always had been my whole life, as much as I wished for many years that was different. I had never really been one for making friends, and let's just say my people skills were much to be desired...

I was a confident person, a little too confident I think, which meant people would automatically move out of my orbit. I repelled them like two of the same ends of a magnet, as I think I must either intimidate them or always came off a little too strong.

Rick always used to say that I had no brain to mouth filter because I always said things how they were, but to be honest, in my head, I was just telling the truth and if people couldn't handle that then it was their problem.

The only place where people other than my brother actually tolerated me was at work, but that was probably just because they were about as psychotic as I was anyway. I was nowhere near as close to them as my brother was with Shane though, but that was about as far as I was going to get and it was plenty enough for me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the radio crackled to life, an authoritative woman's voice breaking through the silence. "All available units, high speed pursuit in progress. Lincoln County units request local assistance. Highway 18 south GTAAD W217 243. Proceed with extreme caution."

Rick and Shane jumped out of their car like lightning and started rummaging through the trunk, pulling out two large, heavy boxes and began running with them up the road. They eventually stopped after they'd put some distance between them and the cars, placing the containers on the floor and pulling out some weird looking metal contraptions.

They threw what I later figured out to be tyre spikes across the tarmac in a bid to blow out the cars tyres once they made their final mistake to drive by. I however, hung back by the radio and relayed all important information which came through back to them.

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