Chapter 46 - Smooth Operator

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Just got to give a small shout out to a new reader that has absolutely blown up my phone in the last couple of days.

hell0therestranger I bloody love you! I will go through all your amazing comments at some point, but it'll probably take me all year! :D

Love you all! Hope you enjoy!


Apparently I wasn't only a master at killing, but seducing a certain Dixon was now on my never ending list of 'Things Emma can do'. I wasn't even halfway through my very explicit routine that I had worked all day to perfect when he gathered me up off the floor, but I wasn't going to complain as I knew exactly where he was taking me.

I could feel his one-eyed trouser snake rubbing against my shins as he practically ran through the tombs, obviously eager to relieve his poor custard slinger. All I could think was that I finally got what I wanted from today, even if I did have to dance for it, which was sexy time with the illusive handsome redneck.

Neither one of us said a word the whole way through the hallways, the only noise being my quiet giggles when his hand made its way further and further up the inside of my thighs. We emerged into the mess room and he immediately came to a halt, causing me to nearly drop my precious bottle of whiskey.

I couldn't see a thing that was going off seen as I was still slung over his shoulder, but if I was going to take a guess, somebody had caught us in this very precarious position. I grimaced when I realised that all that said person was going to see of me was my arse, and prayed to the heavens that it wasn't our nephew as this would be impossible to explain.

I felt Daryl shift my legs so that they were covering his protruding tent pole and nearly patted him on the back for his quick thinking. He cleared his throat loud enough that it literally echoed in the silence, then with no words spoken, he headed for the stairs that led out to the courtyard.

Awkward situation not so subtly averted, babes...

The further up the stairs we went, the further into the mess room I could see, and I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing when I saw Hershel sat there with his mouth wide open and his face turning slightly purple, clutching on to poor Judith in his arms.

I bit my bottom lip until I nearly drew blood, grimacing as the situation was hilarious yet slightly excruciating. All that was going through my mind was to act as normal as possible, which apparently equated to waving at him like the queen, up here on my high horse.

Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave...

Thankfully, Daryl whisked us out of that particular circumstance just as quickly as he'd put us in it, the door nearly smacking me in the face as he rushed outside into what he thought was more pleasant air. All he really did, in fact, was trade off one sticky situation with another, coming face to face with another band of the group that had decided to enjoy the peaceful night outside.

Daryl determined that putting me down and letting me deal with them was the best idea on his behalf, but I, quite frankly, did not agree and was in the right mind to smack him silly. I glared at him before turning around and saw Merle, Tyrese, Sasha, Bob and Lindsay all sat around a campfire they'd created, looking about as gobsmacked as Hershel did.

"Uh, hey guys..." I uttered, leaning my elbows on the handrail and sticking my arse out onto Daryl's still very prominent moisture missile. He didn't move move away but I heard him grunt ever so quietly, obviously not a fan of my form of torture.

"What are you two doing?" Sasha asked, a small smirk crossing her face when Bob lightly tapped her side. Three of them definitely knew our intentions as they all smiled in unison, except Merle and Lindsay who still looked completely none the wiser.

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