Chapter 28 - Trouble In Paradise

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I promise this is going to be my last comment... But 2k views?!?!? Wow wow wow!

This is just a bit of a filler chapter. I tried to fit the herd in but got a bit carried away! It'll come next chapter I promise!


The silence that clouded us after the ear-splitting gunshot was more deafening than the noise itself. The only thing that could be heard was Andrea's muffled cries and the leaves rustling in the wind.

I don't think anyone moved for five minutes as we stayed crowded around Dales now lifeless body. His eyes were still wide open, so I reached out and closed them before standing from my spot on the ground.

When I was upright, gravity started doing its job and blood from my new wound trailed down my arm. Thankfully it was dark, and enough was happening that I bet people wouldn't even notice.

I guess this would definitely put my theory of immunity to the test, and it made me realise that I had to be so much more careful if I wanted to keep it to myself.

This was the second time this week that I'd had fatal run-ins with walkers, even though the first wasn't technically my fault. I was either going to have to say something, or stop running into situations head first.

Hershel and Maggie started leading Glenn away from the scene, which caused a domino effect. One by one people filtered away, leaving Rick, T, Daryl, Andrea and I behind.

Not a word was spoken between us as we all mourned the man before us. It seemed so unfair for such a pure life to have been taken away so agonisingly.

He was such a kind and gentle soul, and didn't deserve an ending quite like this. The poor man always wanted to do right by everyone until the very end. I tried desperately to stop the tears brewing in my eyes, but a mischievous one fell and traced a wet line down my cheek.

I didn't know if I was going to be any help moving the body, but I was going to stay just in case. Daryl started grabbing at Dales right arm, so I guessed we were going for a corner each.

I hooked myself under his left arm, as Rick and T went for his legs. With all four of us, it wasn't hard to hoist him up into the air and start transporting his body back down to where Sophia and Hershel's family were buried.

Andrea trailed along beside us, not leaving the man's side. She was completely distraught and I actually felt bad for her. She'd lost her sister and someone who was like a father to her, in little over a month.

It took longer than usual to make our way down here, obviously, but we reached the small hill with a beautiful tree towering above it, and carefully placed him on the ground.

One of the others, most likely Carol, must've known we would bring him here, as a large, white sheet was folded neatly by the base of the tree. Andrea wasted no time unfolding it, and I helped her cover the man until we could hold a funeral.

Through her tears, she somehow managed to direct a smile my way, and I guessed she was grateful I had helped her. T turned her away after a moment of silence, and walked with her back to camp, letting her cry into his shoulder.

I lingered by Dales body for a second before standing up straight, and I could see my brother staring down at the white sheet. Tears flooded his eyes I knew he felt that yet another death was on him.

All three of us that remained stood there with our head bowed, until I quietly moved to pick up a shovel which was placed against the tree trunk.

I started to dig up the dirt as the men watched. I must've made it down a foot before I noticed my brother now staring at me wearily. His face was completely different to Daryl's, one showing sadness and the other complete heartbreak.

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