Chapter 47 - Simple Days

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Hey there my favourite people!

Bit of a filler chapter, I apologise didn't have time to write the run so it will be in the next one.

I had a flick back through and read some of the first chapters of this story and by god has my writing style changed significantly! I hope you all don't mind but I'm going to take a couple of weeks just to go back through and edit the first big chunk so it isn't as shit! :D

Lots of love <3


Daryl and I ended up having a cheeky shower together last night, which may have resulted in some light groping but somehow didn't end in sexy time to my utter disappointment. Apparently being covered in walker blood wasn't one of his many turn ons, either that or he didn't want his pp covered in black goo.

Each to their own I suppose...

It was actually quite a sweet experience to be honest, getting to spend this intimate time together without feeling the need to put out, even though that wouldn't have exactly been a bad thing in the first place. We took the time to explore every crevice and make sure that the entirety of our bodies were squeaky clean before we joined the others for dinner, spending a bit of time with the group before heading to bed.

I woke up the next morning tangled up in Daryl's arms, exactly the same way I had every morning for months. The feeling of his beautiful, peaceful face being the first thing I saw never seemed to get old, and each and every time made me fall in love with him just that little bit more.

I gently brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead, my touch light and tender. His eyes fluttered open, revealing the stormy blue depths that held a mixture of sleepiness and affection. A sleepy smile tugged at his lips, and he pulled me closer, our bodies fitting together as if they were literally made for each other.

"Mornin'." he murmured, his voice rough from sleep yet somehow still filled with warmth. "Morning handsome." I replied, my own voice soft as I nestled in against him, my face snuggling into the crook of his neck. The world outside might have been chaotic and dangerous, but in this moment, in the circle of his arms, everything felt right.

We stayed in our little cocoon for a couple of moments until one minute I was lovely and warm, the next cold and very much uncomfortable. The dogs very rudely pulled me out of bed, literally grabbing me by my shirt and hair, dragging me out until I was laid solely on the floor. I understood that they were hungry and wanted their breakfast, but christ boys, let mum and dad have a fucking moment! Jheez...

I accepted my fate and just laid sprawled out as Zeus licked my face and Hades bore his dark brown, almost black eyes into my skull. Daryl eventually noticed that I had spontaneously disappeared at some point and poked his head over the bunk, looking highly amused at the situation I found myself in.

"Well... I guess it's time for me to get up then." I groaned, pushing myself up onto my elbows and just debating my entire existence for a moment. Daryl didn't even move an inch, if anything, he wrapped himself up tighter in the sheets, so it looked as if it was just me getting the early wake up call. Prick.

In the end, I peeled my tired body off the floor and started to get myself changed, being watched very closely by all three of the men in the room. Zeus and Hades were glaring at me as if to tell me to hurry the fuck up, where as Daryl was watching my every move with a sultry expression as if to tell me to slow the fuck down.

They couldn't have it both ways and seen as somebody was apparently too tired to get his arse out of bed with me, it was unfortunately going to be his loss as he'd unknowingly forfeited his special show for the day. I purposely got changed as quickly as possible and hid my main attractions from him, causing a frustrated groan to escape the mound of sheets as he tangled himself in deeper.

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