Chapter 9 - The Big Bang

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I woke up slightly startled when I didn't know where I was. I know I had had a bit to drink but I was sure I was in the kitchen from what I last remembered.

My brain slowly caught up and it registered that I was now tucked up in a bed. I sat bolt up right and must've subconsciously drawn my Glock 17 as I was pointing it around the room.

It was dark and I could barely see my hand in front of my face, but I could make out the shape of the doorframe in front of me.

The door was shut and a faint line of light was leaking in from underneath. My eyes quickly adjusted and I looked to my left.

I quietly moved across the room to find Daryl asleep on the small sofa. His large frame barely fit and his feet were hanging over the edge. His back was facing the room and he was practically cocooned up in the small white blanket. Aww what a cutie.

It then dawned on me that this was his room and I had the bed. That would mean that this sweet man had probably found me passed out in the kitchen, brought me back for a good nights sleep and left the sofa for himself.

I wanted to wake him up so badly and thank him for his kindness, but let's be honest I don't think he'd appreciate that. The hangover he was facing in the morning will be a good one, according to the multiple wine bottles on the floor.

To my right there was a second door which I pulled open quietly. It lead into a small en-suite bathroom with... a shower. I wasn't 100% sure where I left my bag but I didn't care. I was having a shower and getting back into my old clothes if I had to.

I checked over my shoulder to make sure I hadn't woke the sleeping man then slid in, switched on the light and shut the door.

There were already multiple soft, white towels folded and stacked neatly on the counter. The shower had a bar of soap and bottle of shampoo and conditioner which was a welcome sight.

I turned on the shower, stripped out my clothes and left the chain on the work surface. Stepping into the warm stream of water was a welcome relief. I shut the sliding door and got to work.

I started scrubbing my body. I had only washed myself yesterday, yet there was already a build up of blood and dirt swirling down the drain. It must've taken a couple of minutes until the water was running completely clean.

I picked up the bottle of shampoo, squeezed a small amount into the palm of my hand and started washing my hair.

"Shit 'm sorry." I heard someone say behind me then the door quickly slammed shut. Apparently privacy was a rare commodity nowadays. Hopefully it was a good view.

I conditioned my hair quickly and got out of the shower, dried myself off and got changed. I knew fair well that this next conversation was going to be nice and awkward. Lovely.

I opened the door and the light was now on in the small bedroom. Daryl was sat hunched over on the sofa, head in his hands. "Hey." I said as I shut the door behind me.

"I didn't realise. Was just gonna take a piss. Didn't hear ya." Was the first thing he said to me, a harsh tone to his voice like somehow I was in the wrong. "It's fine don't worry. I'm not bothered so you shouldn't be either."

He slowly looked up at me. His eyes were blood shot and I could tell he must've had a headache. I giggled slightly, to which he practically whispered "Wha'?"

That just made me laugh again. "You aren't a morning person and you definitely can't handle your hangovers. No more liquor for you big man"

He scowled at my observation and forcefully laid back down on the sofa with his back to me again. Too early? I think so. "Thank you by the way." He didn't move, just replied "Why? I walked in on ya."

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