Chapter 29 - Fall of the Farm

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Rick, Daryl and I set off towards the house after my brothers recent announcement. He came over, blurted out that Randell was missing, then turned on his heel and walked away, as if he was on some sort of mission.

"What do ya mean he's missin'?" Daryl grilled as my brother picked up his pace. Both of their long legs covered the distance so effortlessly, whereas I practically had to run to keep up.

"I think what he means is he's no longer where we left him..." Daryl looked at me with a face that I could only compare to a slapped arse, and I just shrugged in response.

Stupid questions get stupid answers...

Before I knew it, we had reached the others who were congregated by the porch of the farmhouse. "How long has he been gone?" Lori shouted up, but before I could give her a moronic comeback too, my brother said "It's hard to say."

Whoever was on Randell duty obviously couldn't do a decent job if the kid got away. I also didn't fail to notice that Shane was nowhere to be found, so I easily put two and two together.

He wanted him dead as much as I did, but the man was completely unstable and I wouldn't disregard the fact that he took him out to kill him. Where I had at least a little bit of restraint, his went out the window weeks ago.

"The cuffs are still hooked..." Rick informed us, and from beside me Daryl said "He musta slipped em." Now I don't know about you, but what I'd seen of that kid told me that he was absolutely clueless. If we'd handed him the key voluntarily, I still don't think he'd know how to get himself out.

"Is that possible?" Andrea asked, and she actually looked at me this time instead of my brother. "It all depends on how tight they were. If they were loose, it's easy. If they were tight, he would've had to break a few thumbs."

"Wasn't the door secured from the outside?" Well observed T, I knew I liked you. Realisation engulfed everyone's faces as it registered that somebody must've let him out.

I noticed Lori look at me and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Really? You think I did this?!" I shouted, and everyone's heads turned to face her. "What? You wanted him dead the most and you've been gone all morning!"

I took a step towards her, but Daryl grabbed my arm before I could start the screaming match. "She's been with me." He hissed, which caused me to smugly grin at Lori.

"Me too..." Rick added. "...Emma couldn't have done this." I stared at her as she curled inwards. She best feel fucking bad, accusing me in front of everyone. I shook my head and tutted at her just to solidify the fact I was pissed.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane blurted as he ran up to us through the field. His nose looked broken and bright blood streamed down his face to his chin. He appeared as though he'd gone head to head with a wall.

"What happened?!" My brother questioned as he entered the circle. "He's armed! He's got my gun!" Bull. Shit. If he's trying to tell us that kid did that to his face and took his gun, he must think we are imbeciles.

I wouldn't even put it past Randell be able to pry a gun from Beth's hands, let alone Shane's. If he'd have just took him out into the woods to assassinate him, that'd be fine, the part that was making no sense to me though, was making us think he's still out there armed.

"Are you okay?" Andrea asked Shane as he dramatically wiped his nose. "I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face!"

I turned to Daryl with an expression which said 'do you believe this shit?', to which he shook his head. Thank goodness it wasn't just me that didn't fall for yet another one of his sob stories.

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