Chapter 26 - Interrogation

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You guys! I'm sorry if you're getting sick of my little comments, but we've hit over 800 views😱 To say I'm completely shocked is an understatement!

I honestly can't thank you all enough!

Enjoy this new chapter!


My brother and Shane took that kid out about an hour ago for his involuntary relocation. Rick kept saying something about eighteen miles, but if I'm honest, that's not far enough.

I brought up the idea of forcing him to kick the bucket again. Some people were in on that plan, with Andrea and Daryl being my biggest cheerleaders, but Rick quickly shut me down.

Speaking of the redneck, he hasn't let me out if his sight since I got back from my little rendezvous. He didn't like my idea of immunity one bit, he thought I was crazy and that the fever must've been kicking in. I told him I was fine but he wouldn't take my word for it.

Every five seconds he keeps putting the back of his hand on my forehead, like my body temperature was going to randomly skyrocket. It was cute that he cared so much, but by god was it annoying.

We stayed away from the others, but I noticed the strange glances they kept shooting our way. He went to bring his hand up again, but this time I smacked it away. "Daryl... Stop."

I motioned towards the others that were now plain staring and said "You are literally the least discreet person I've ever met." Instead, he brought his hand around and placed it on my lower back.

I was surprised my eyes didn't tumble out of their sockets with how forcefully I rolled them. "Let's be real, if I was going to turn into a flesh-eating cannibal, it would've happened by now. Yes?"

He nodded his head but still didn't seem quite convinced. "If you stop feeling me up now, I'll let you do it properly later..." He snatched his hand away so quickly and I was surprised.

Somebody was eager.

I turned around with shock written all over my face, but it was then I realised his quick reaction wasn't down to the fact he wanted to do two person pushups so badly.

Instead, it was the complete opposite. He shuffled away from me and seemed thoroughly disturbed. I know he was literally a ball of awkwardness, but come on. "Damn, at least let a girl down slowly..."

I got to my feet, glared at him and wandered off to camp. I'll give him some time to think about my offer, and hopefully it will keep him away from me for a good few hours. I could feel his eyes on my arse as I walked though, hopefully that was a good sign.

I found Carol hanging out the damp washing onto a makeshift clothesline and decided I'd go over. "Hey Emma." she said with a smile as I got closer.

"I was wondering if I could just have two seconds from your very exciting day..." I said sarcastically, gesturing towards the large pile of clothes stacked near a bucket.

In a flash, the clothing was on the floor and she had skipped towards me. Apparently she was just as sick of washing as I was watching her. Stuff still having to do chores at the end of the world.

"I have something to show you." I announced as I reached into the back pocket of the skintight jeans and pulled out my phone.

She looked at me completely bewildered as I scrolled through the photos, but when I handed her the device with the picture of her daughter, she let out a small whimper.

"Oh my..." she murmured as she brought her hand up to her mouth and plopped to the floor. Her eyes never budged from the snapshot the whole time I was stood there.

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