Chapter 32 - Ghosts

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We drove in silence for about half an hour to where ever Merle had set up shop. When I say silence, I mean me, Maggie and Glenn didn't say a word. Merle on the other hand, couldn't stop the word garbage that seemed to cascade out of his mouth like a waterfall.

The most off putting part about this whole journey though, was the way Maggie and Glenn just sat and stared at me as if I had sprouted a second head.

She just outright gawked at me with her face about an inch away, whereas he at least had the tact to pretend to keep his eyes on the road, flicking up to the rear view mirror every five seconds.

If we weren't in the presence of a stranger, I would've snapped them out of their haze about three seconds after we set off. What I didn't want though was Merle finding out I was a crazy bitch, if shooting him didn't already make that clear.

If another group found out what I was like, with the past I had, they would snap me up quicker than condoms at a sex fest. I didn't fancy staying in whatever hole Merle had crawled into, so the more I could hold back, the better.

"Stop 'ere!" Merle called out and Glenn slammed on the brakes that hard, mine and Maggie's faces went flying into the headrests. I grimaced and growled at him as I peeled my face away.

"Sorry." He whispered apologetically, and to be fair on Maggie, she looked about as pissed at her boyfriend as I was. Merle pushed open the door and slammed it closed as he smirked at us.

He wandered around the back of the car and I quickly mumbled "Don't say anything to him. Hold out as long as you can-" I stopped myself when the boot opened. He grabbed something out the back before shutting it, and I carried on.

"-I'll try and get us out. He will use you against each other. Good luck." Maggie looked as though she was about to say something, but the drivers door opened and stopped her in her tracks.

"Out." Was all Merle had to say to get Glenn out of his seat. He trained his rifle on the boy as he pointed him around to the passenger side. He obeyed and slowly trailed around the bonnet, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the girl sat next to me.

Both men got back into the car once they'd played their little game of musical chairs, and our captor threw each of us a piece of fabric and some zip ties. I know what I said literally two seconds ago about not revealing my secret badass identity, but this was an out if I'd ever seen one, and I was about to grab it by the balls.

He waited as Glenn and Maggie scrambled to put on the restraints, whilst I sat there defiantly and stared daggers into the back of his head. He smiled when he saw the two of them covered in the burlap sacks, but it soon dropped when he caught eyes with me.

"Come on, ain't got all day sugar tits." I narrowed my eyes but didn't move a muscle, which wound him up a notch tighter. He twisted his body in the seat so he was fully facing me, moving exactly where I wanted him.

What he had failed to notice was that I had looped two zip ties together behind his seat, and as soon as he pointed his stub at me, I hooked one around the skin below his elbow and pulled it as tight as possible.

"Ya lil fuckin' bitch!" He spat as I relieved his contraption of the knife. Instinctively, his other arm reached around the chair, so I quickly grabbed his wrist before weaving the thin pieces of plastic through the metal bars of the headrest and securing him in place.

He twisted and pulled at the ties to try and free himself, but all it did was dig the restraints further into his skin. The more he strained, the more blood poured out of his gun shot wound and if he wasn't careful he was going to bleed out.

I stuck out my bottom lip and pointed at the stream with his knife. "Calm down mate, you're going to get blood in the fabric and it'll be a bastard to get out."

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