Chapter 17 - Lessons To Be Learned

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After the morning we had, most people stayed well away from me, thank God.

Most of the group had split off in searches and I very much intended to go too, but the redneck and my brother shot me down so quickly I was slightly hurt.

Apparently, I needed to rest and recuperate as I'd basically knocked on death's door, but that door and I were old friends.

I still had full movement and the pain was getting better by the minute, especially now Daryl's sneaking me those high-grade pain killers of Merles which he's kept a secret for so long.

Thank you, Merle!

Speaking of Daryl, I watched him ride off into woods about an hour ago, on a horse looking hot as ever. I practically had to fan myself down and honestly debated taking a dive headfirst into the well just to cool off.

My brother had gone off with Shane which I really didn't approve of. He was his best friend and Rick trusted him, but he didn't know the full story like I did.

I quite frankly wouldn't trust that man as far as I could throw him, and in my current state that wouldn't be far at all.

I had a bad feeling in my gut about something today, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was probably due to the fact that Shane was out there alone with my brother, holding a shotgun.

I'm sure that if he was as unstable as I think he is, the thought of killing Rick and taking Lori for himself would've crossed his mind at least once.

I really don't see their obsession with her.

To use my time as wisely as possible, I decided to go on a run. Not a Glenn run, but a literal one. I'd been laid out in that bed for over day, so I needed to exercise and build up my strength. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to work on my stamina. I have a feeling we will be running quite regularly in this new world.

I had just finished my third lap of the farm and about to start my fourth when Glenn stood in my tracks. I slowed to a stop and said "Hey Glenn..." a little too breathlessly for my liking. He looked at me like I was completely insane. "You've just been shot and you're running?" he queried. "Just a normal Monday morning."

I braced my hands on my knees and breathed in through my nose and out my mouth. I could tell the weather was turning colder as the air practically stung the back of my throat. I looked around at the tents and realised we would have to bump up our living situations soon.

"Just came to let you know me and Maggie are going on a run to town. There's a pharmacy and seen as you and Carl have used a lot of Hershel's supplies, it wouldn't hurt to try and find more." I wouldn't argue with that. In my opinion, what ever the old man wants, he will get.

"You want me to come with?" I asked. He shook his head and replied "No!" a little too quickly. He turned around and practically salivated over Maggie who was stood on the porch waiting.

Ohhhh I see, he wanted some alone time. I chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "Just use protection bud, don't want any little Glenn's running around just yet."

Teasing him was just as fun as teasing Daryl. His face turned red, and his eyes were that wide I'm surprised they didn't pop out of his head. These people were such prudes. Before he started to walk off, I quickly got his attention again.

"Could you keep an eye out for something for me?" He sighed and his shoulders sagged in. Any guesses I wasn't the first to ask him that. "You know what, never mind. Just get in and out safe." I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "No, it's okay. What do you need?"

"It's called Levothyroxine." He looked at me like I'd just spoke gibberish. "Could you spell that for me?" He whipped out a pen and paper, and I could see the long list of things people had asked for. As I spelled it out and he wrote it down, I couldn't help but notice that 'pregnancy test' and 'Plan B' were scribbled down.

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