Chapter 10 - Highway to Hell

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Pain is a beautiful thing. The pain in my head however was not beautiful, it hurt like a bitch. I let out a groan and reached up to touch the back of my head.

I could feel a very large egg forming and somebody had already wrapped it with a bandage. I tried to open my eyes, but the light was just too much to bear. I quickly closed them and leant back in the seat.

The last thing I remember, the CDC was being blown to pieces and I was covering Dale and Andrea. Me being in a car seat meant I'd been unconscious at some point again, and not due to alcohol consumption, which is incredibly disappointing.

I could feel that we were moving forward, and it was quite obvious I wasn't the one driving, which meant I was a passenger and I wasn't by myself. How hard is it to get some alone time round here?

"Who the hell is driving? You best not fucking kill me. I'd rather die by walker then a car crash." I muttered. I really wasn't in a friendly mood. I felt like there was a mini redneck stuck in my skull thinking my brain was an impenetrable door.

When nobody replied I decided to voluntarily burn my retinas and open my eyes again. Speaking of rednecks, there was one sat next to me that looked wound up pretty tight.

"Oh, this is just wonderful isn't it..." I threw my head back and instantly regretted it when my egg bounced off the headrest. I wasn't going to show my pain and discomfort to this prick though, no matter how many stars I was currently seeing.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off. "Don't bother trying to talk to me. You made it pretty clear that everyone hates me, and you want nothing to do with me. Your words not mine."

I crossed my arms and turned to look out the window. This was going to be one hell of a journey. We drove a couple more miles until it dawned on me...

"Hold on... If I'm in here that means you dickheads left my car behind..." I turned to look at him now. I couldn't believe it. I loved that car.

He was hesitant to speak but did anyway. "Erm... Not exactly." I narrowed my eyes at him, one because I hoped it would say 'what the fucks that supposed to mean' and two it made my head hurt slightly less. He just pointed out the back window and my eyes followed.

Behind us I could see my car trailing behind. Oh hellllll no. Who in their right mind was stupid enough to touch my car without my say so?

My face was practically squashed against the back window of Daryl's truck now as I was trying to get a good look at the driver. Why did I think privacy glass was a good idea?

Daryl had either slowed, or the driver had sped up as my car came closer. Glenn. It was fucking Glenn. "Stop the truck!" It didn't stop, if anything we were getting faster, as if Daryl putting distance between two of us would somehow make me instantly forget the fact they'd put the one person who couldn't drive for shit behind the wheel of my prized possession.


It turns out everybody in the country must've heard my screaming as the whole convoy came to an abrupt stop. I didn't even wait for the truck to come to a halt when I flung open the door and practically sprinted at Glenn.

His expression changed like the wind. One second he was ecstatic and the next he looked like he was going to piss himself.

Before I got to the door, I heard him press the central locking button. Now I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of such childishness and let me tell you it wasn't a pretty pill to swallow. I was going to have to wait him out.

I stood and stared into the window at the side of his face. He wouldn't look at me, I think deep down he knew what was coming. Maybe if I stared at his head long enough it would eventually explode?

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