Chapter 37 - Prisoner

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Bit of a filler you guys, I'm sorry! I've just been made redundant from my job so have quite a lot on my plate at the moment, but will still update regularly ❤️

Hope you enjoy!


After I had literally put a timer on Andrea's life, I took myself outside as not one person was impressed I was dishing out threats. They all looked at me as if I was mad, except Merle who was practically cheering me on.

I emerged out into the courtyard and gazed upon around sixty walkers that were moaning and stumbling around the yard that was clear only this morning, and rage started bubbling up inside of me.

I didn't know how Andrea had the cheek to come here and try to talk peace with us. The killing machines that lumbered around our field told a complete different story, and if she thought she could convince that madman to leave us alone, she was living in dreamland.

As I neared the fence, my boot squelched in something on the ground, and I looked down to see my foot smack bang in the middle of a pool of blood. I was stood in the same place that inmate lost his life, and I grit my teeth as it was as if chaos followed me around like a bad smell.

I would've loved so badly to whip open this gate and take my frustrations out on the dead, but quite frankly they were like a strange sort of security system.

Yes they kept us confined in the prison, but other people were less likely to try and push through the crowd to get to us. With everything that was going on at the minute, it was probably a good idea just to leave them be.

I looked over to the fence line and noticed that one of the guard towers could be entered through the walkway that encircled the yard, so I headed off in the direction of the structure.

I moved quickly as I didn't want anyone to follow, but came to a gate that was locked and cursed under my breath. It was as if we were genuinely locked away, and I realised then that I really wasn't comfortable with living in this place.

I had a taste of freedom after the world went to shit, and let's just say I became addicted. I know the prison was safe for the others and comforted them knowing that they could be protected, but there was no way I was being locked inside and sleeping in a cage.

I looped my fingers through the metal mesh and started to scale the gate. It rattled as I pulled my body up the side, and as I got to the top, I swung my legs over and dropped down, falling into a crouch gracefully.

The noise from my climbing caused a dozen walkers to push their bodies against the fence, snapping their jaws at the prospect of a decent meal. I stared at their decaying faces for a moment, before carrying on towards the door of the guard tower.

I practically ran up the stairs and when I got to the top, everybody had emerged into the courtyard where I was stood just minutes ago. My brother and Andrea were out in front of the others, walking towards a car that was parked near the gate.

I sat down on the balcony and draped my legs over the edge, crossing my arms over the guardrail and resting my head against them like a makeshift pillow. Now I was up here and all was quiet, exhaustion finally caught up to me.

I hadn't slept in quite a few days if we didn't count the time I was unconscious, and I also hadn't been taking my tablets which, let's be honest, wasn't going to make me feel any better.

My eyes got heavier as I just sat and rested, watching my brother hand Andrea a pistol that we needed a damn site more than she did. He pulled her into a brief hug, then opened the car door which she gingerly got into.

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