Chapter 19 - Gun Training

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Daryl's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. My head has been running around in circles so badly, it's actually starting to make me dizzy. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. For the first time ever, somebody has seen my scars and Emma had kissed me...

Emma had kissed me!

I must've been dreaming. A girl like her wouldn't be into a worthless guy like me. In all honesty, I hope I was dreaming, as I ended it in literally the worst way seemingly possible. To put it plainly, I shoved her off me and she hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Smooth Daryl, smooth.

I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't too impressed. I couldn't help it though; it was just like an involuntary reflex. My body moved before my brain had a chance to process what was happening.

She stormed out that door like she would rather be anywhere else. I got the strong impression I'd ruined everything in a split second. I seemed to have a bad habit of doing that, pushing away the good people.

Even Hershel had noticed something had happened. He had the good sense not to say anything, but the looks he was shooting my direction weren't subtle at all.

I know Rick had put two and two together, and figured out his sister was literally my perfect woman, but surely to God it couldn't be that obvious?

After he left the room, I couldn't help but think what might've happened if he hadn't knocked on that door. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes stay permanently wide from shock as I would never be sure how far she was willing to take it.

By the time morning came, I had convinced myself that she only did that as she thought I was dead. I saw she was pretty upset in the field, but she could've done the same to T-Dog if he was in the same position.

As much as I wanted to hope the kiss last night was genuine, it was unlikely. She was going to hate me for hurting her last night, both physically and emotionally, so I took this as my chance to distance myself. I needed to quell the feelings brewing in my chest.

This was for the best.

Emma's POV

Well last night was awkward. After the debacle that happened in Daryl's room, I headed downstairs and was bombarded with requests for my encore which was never going to happen.

I had to kindly remind them that they only had one 'make Emma sing for free' card and they'd already spent it. Tough luck.

Whilst the others were having a good time, I sat on the edge of the bottom step. I didn't really do big gatherings and I'd already embarrassed myself enough times today that I had to count them on both hands. I was going to sit the rest of this one out.

From my position I could see Glenn and Maggie passing a note back and forth under the table. After the last pass, Glenns eyes widened, so it wasn't hard to figure out what the love note was about. They were like a couple of children. Children who did the no pants dance.

My mind, obviously, wandered to Daryl. I highly doubted that after today's display, he would ever want to spear the bearded clam, if you know what I'm saying...

After a kiss, I ended being flung most of the way across the room. After sex, I think he would personally deport me and launch me back to the UK where he'd never have to see me again. I'll have to take some time, way up my options and figure out if it's worth it or not...

People started slowly leaving the house one by one. Lori and Carl were off first to go to bed. Rick and his shadow (Shane) weren't too far after. I didn't fancy staying any longer, so I left the group next.

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