Chapter 16 - Hell Is A Place On Earth

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I woke up tucked into a comfy bed, in a beautifully decorated room. Now, I'm pretty sure I was dead, but I didn't expect hell to look like quite like this. It was wayy too nice.

To my right, a pretty, young blonde girl sat in a chair, humming to herself whilst reading a book.

"Who are you?" I tried to ask, but it came out more like a croak. She turned to look at me surprised and put her book down next to me on a bedside table.

"I'm Beth!" She said with a smile, as if that explained everything. "And what did you do to make it to hell?"

She just laughed at me. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was being deadly serious. I narrowed my eyes at her and she sat back in her seat. At least I haven't lost my touch.

"We're not in hell." she stated. Okay, now I was confused. I'm somewhere, with somebody I don't know, and it isn't hell?

I didn't think mass murder gave me a one-way ticket to heaven. "You're on the farm. Mr. Dixon found you and brought you back." Hold up, I'm alive?

Well, that explains nothing.

"Alright, Beth..." I said with malice. "If we're on the farm, how come I've never seen you before now?" I sat forward and narrowed my eyes even more into slits, her eyes widened and before she said another word, she took off out the room and slammed the door behind her.

I whipped the bed sheet off me and was met with a rather large bandage around my torso. I kind of hoped it was all a dream. Ahh, oh well. I lifted my legs off the bed and placed them on the floor. My side hurt, but the pain was bearable.

Thankfully I was fully dressed from the waist down, but sat in just my bra. I had to jiggle the girls in their hanging baskets a little bit before someone got an eye full.

I looked around the room and saw my tank top draped over a dresser. When I picked it up, I realised someone had completely butchered it, cut right up the front making it no longer wearable. Looks like I was going to be turning some heads.

I didn't bother looking in the draws, I knew I had extra shirts in my car and if good old Beth wasn't lying to me, it shouldn't be a long walk of shame. I cracked open the door and walked out into the hallway.

Every step sent a shooting pain up my side, but I'd had worse. Once I was shot in the thigh whilst in Afghanistan and the bullet got lodged into my femur. Now that was pain. I couldn't walk for a few weeks and when I could, I had to go through months of physical therapy.

I sauntered down the stairs and I recognised the entranceway. This was definitely the farmhouse. Thankfully there was still nobody in sight.

Once I flung open the door, I was met with an audience on the porch. It seemed everyone wanted a view. Even Carl was up and out of bed. Great.

Everybody's eyes went over me, a few audible gasps were let slip. I couldn't determine whether that was because I was out of bed or half naked, but quite honestly, I couldn't give two shits. Maggie ran over to me and tried to grab my arm, but I waved her away.

"I'm fine!" I hissed and pushed through the group, towards my car. Obviously, they all decided to follow the half naked, shot and pissed off woman. I made a mental note to teach these people when and when not to leave me alone.

"Emma, what the hell happened to you?" That was Rick.

"You should still be in bed!" Maggie.

"Girl, just stop for a minute." T.

"Should she be able to walk around?" Andrea.

"Who shot you?" Glenn.

"Should we be worried?" Dale.

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