Chapter 31

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Mattheo's pov:
The other team had gone to retrieve a Horcrux but hadn't succeeded as the Horcrux wasn't there.

Yn had been unconscious for 3 days now. I wish she would wake up already.

I never left Yn's side even tho she was unconscious. I talked to her, held her hand, reassured her everything is going to be fine, or just stared at her beauty like I was now.

I was sitting there, in silence, holding her hand, and taking in her beauty, when I suddenly stood up, turned my back to her, walked to the wall and punched it, drawing blood from my hand.

"Godamn it, Yn. Wake up. I cant do this without you. I love you" I said and then stormed out of the room.

Yn pov:

I heard a door slam closed and I flinched. I tried to open my eyes but they were heavy. My whole body ached. I didn't know where I was. I couldn't remember what had happened, or how I had gotten here, were ever I was.

I tried to open my eyes again and this time they opened slightly. The door opened again. I couldn't see who had walked in, everything was blury. I felt them come and sit next to me and I groaned.

I heard the person gasp.
"Yn, are you awake?"
I groaned again not being able to get sound out of my throat.

The person jumped up and left the room, however a minute later they stormed back in, followed by more people.

I tried to open my eyes more.
"Ma-Mattheo?" I whispered, bearly audible.
"Dont worry, your okay love" a soft voice spoke, and my eyes closed again.

"Yn?" The voice asked, worried.
I opened my eyes again and this time I could open them fully. It took a second for my sight to re-adjust but when it did I saw Mattheo leaning in above me, looking at me worried.

"Mattheo!" I said smiling a little.
I tried to move my head to see who else was there, but I felt dizzy all of a sudden and I had to lie back into my pillow.

"What happened?" I asked
"You drank a potion to get the Horcrux and it tortured you, when we got out of there you were unconscious and we apparated back to Hogwarts. You've been unconscious for 3 days." Mattheo said

"Dont worry, you should be better now, you just need some rest. How do you feel?" A voice which I recognized to be Pansy's asked.
"Im a little dizzy and tired" I admitted.
"Well get some rest then, darling" Enzo said.
"Everyone out!" Madam Pomfrey said, as she rushed to my side.
Everyone left, except for Mattheo.

"I was so worried love"
"Dont like it?"
"I do"
"Well then, get some rest"
He took my hand in his.
"Thank you, Mattheo" I said
"For what?"
"Everything" I said, and with that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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