three ཾ the push and pull that reminds him she's alive

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     VERENA DRAGGED HER HAND THROUGH her hair and let out an exhausting sigh

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     VERENA DRAGGED HER HAND THROUGH her hair and let out an exhausting sigh. She stepped into Kaz's office and climbed down the small set of steps and throught the archway to get to Kaz's bedroom.

Verena began to unbutton her coat and thrown it onto Kaz's matress. As Vernea's fingers moved to unlace her vest, she felt eyes on her. Her movements stoppped for a swift second as she shifted her eyes slightly. Clickling her tongue against the back of her teeth, Verena spoke. "And here I was thinking tonight was going to be quiet," she snickered, grabbing her tiny dagger that was tucked snugly into her vest.

As Verena turned around, she let the dagger slip from her hands. The dagger pierced through the air and landed in the fabric of the man's coat. The man let out a gasp of shock and let his eyes wander to the blade pinning him against the wall. Verena took the opportunity to run toward the door, but as she ran though the archway, a hand grasped her arm.

The cold metal blade was pressed against her throat. Shock ran up her spine as hot breath fanned against her cheek and the back of her neck. "Ah, ah, little crow. You're not going anywhere."

Verena clenched her jaw as she heard the creaking of loose floorboards. "Pekka Rollins, didn't expect to see you here. Fine evening, isn't it?" Verena joked sarcastically with a scowl.

Rollins chuckled. "The famous tarte-tongued Butcher of the Barrel."

"And the famous tarte, Pekka Rollins. Tell me, to what do I own the pleasure?" Verena smirked as Rollins' face dropped at the insult.

"Tell me Butcher, what do you know about the deal Dreesen is proposing?" Pekka questioned as he stayed a large distance from Verean. Maybe out of fear or caution, Verena couldn't tell, but it gave her a surge of power.

"Hum," Verena hummed, her brows furrowing. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I would suggest you start talking, young lady," Verena grimaced and held back the urge to vomit as the man's breath fanned over her face.

"You sound like an angry little boy," Verena insulted before she turned her attention to the other man. In all truce, she was stalling. Wanting to waste as much time as she could to keep Rollins occupied to see if Inej would sneak though the window. "You have anything to say?" The other boy parted his lips, ready to spit out threats. "No? Good. Let the grown ups speak. What do you want, Rollins? You have a death wish?" Verena taunted, hoping to get a rise from the older man to throw him off his guard. Verena's charm wouldn't work on Pekka Rollins, sadly.

Pekka's eyes narrowed into slits as his ego was brushed by a little girl. "How do you want to die, Butcher? Cause I came make that heppen. Tell me what I want and I'll leave you and your precious crow alone."

Verena held her stoic expression as Kaz was brought up. The last thing Verena needed was Pekka using Kaz against her. "I'd like to die at the age of eighty with my stomach full of wine with a man between my legs," she joked.

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐒 | kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now