four ཾ the bastard and the butcher

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     THE HORRID STREETS OF KETTERDAM were covered in a fresh layer of rain and the stench of sewer and filth lingered in the air as Verena walked

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     THE HORRID STREETS OF KETTERDAM were covered in a fresh layer of rain and the stench of sewer and filth lingered in the air as Verena walked. "Jesper. New job. Come along," Kaz said as he briskly walked past him.

"She did it again," Jeasper exasperated as he turned around in a circle with amazement glinting in his eyes.

"Jesper, what the fuck are you doing?" Verena called out as she turned around, sensing his absence.

"Coming, darling," Jesper muttered, swiftly waking to Verena with his eyes still on the line of buildings. "I think we should get a demo man," Jesper spoke as the trio of crows walked down the narrow alleyway.

"No," Verena and Kaz replied in unison which caused Jesper to send the two a weird look. They always seemed to do that, he thought.

"I mean it. We need a demo man," Jesper pushed.

"You're still on that?" Kaz questioned as he peered over his shoulder to look at Jesper.

"I just brought it up tonight," Jesper defended himself as he turned his head to look at a small, but stunning group of girls they passed.

"Jesper, you ask for an explosives expert on every job," Kaz scoffed.

"Because I don't want to be the one you point to and say, 'Explode something for us'. And we all know you'd never let Verena explode something. That is not a Jesper talent. I shoot things with style. And I look good. Just showing my strengths, boss. However, you should let Verena blow stuff up. I'm sure she'd add a special touch of terror and chaos," Jesper rambled on. Verena rolled her eyes and let out a breathy laugh.

"Jesper, the last time I blew something up, my eyebrows were burned off and I nearly lost my pinky," Verena recalled.

Memories of Verena's face flashed behind Kaz's eyes. Her face had been covered in ash and soot and the absence of her brows was so noticeable. It was a joyous moment where it nearly brought Kaz to laughter. It wasn't until after the memory passed, Kaz realized he was smiling.

"Alina Starkov will be kept at the Little Palace. Entering the Little Palace requires us to be quiet. Blowing something up, we've likely failed," Kaz replied with a simple reason.

"Then we should take Inej," Jesper decided. Kaz let his jaw clench at the topic of taking Inej. Kaz had always intended to take Inej, it was just a headache to rightfully execute his plan. "She's a good investment. More quiet than I'll ever be. She can't stay here, you know that."

"Everyone is quieter than you, Jesper. And she's not just an investment," Verena commented in a low, but serious voice.

Ignoring her comment, Jesper let his eyes travel to the Dime Lion sign that hung in the distance. "Woah. Hang on, aren't we in Pekka's turf now?" Jesper questioned as he touched Kaz's forearm to stop him.

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐒 | kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now