seven ཾ the devil in the mirror

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     ECHOES OF CHATTER AND LAUGHTER was all Verena could hear

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ECHOES OF CHATTER AND LAUGHTER was all Verena could hear. The crows and Arken had found a bar that had been filled with lively dancers and actors. Verena sat beside Inej as the two slowly stared off and nibbled on small bread rolls. "So, that went well," Jesper commented with a look of exhaustion with his hair dishevelled as he sipped on his beer.

"The Little Palace winter fete. There's just no way we can find a way to the Sun Summoner without Nina," Arken explained and slammed his drink down. "Especially during this ridiculous party. The place with be crawling with Second Army."

Verena stayed quiet, knowing from the amount of brooding and scheming Kaz had done, he had a plan.

"We're in luck," Kaz announced as he walked over to the crows and Arken. "There's a good chance we can crack on. Now that we're three-days travel from the capital, the next play is finding a way inside the Little Palace. It turned out the Kribirsk archives house the Little Palace blueprints. But they're kept under lock and key. Far from the prying eyes of the masses," as Kaz finished, he smirked toward Jesper.

Jesper banged his palm on the bar. "Yes," he exclaimed.

"What does that mean?" Arken inquired, sparing a questioning glance between the crows.

"It's time for a heist," Verena and Jesper answered, giving each other a knowing look with a smirk as Jesper patted Arken on his back with enthusiasm.

Across the table, Kaz catches Verena's attention. As the blues of their eyes meet, Verena raised her brows and sent Kaz a smirk which he returned.

     "I LEAVE YOU A BULLET, to remember me. Let's promise to never forget each other, Milo," Milo bleated at Jesper's words as Jesper pet him down. "I leave you in the care of this lovely barmaid, who needs your support here."

Jesper took a step back with pursed lips and saddened eyes as he placed his coat over his shoulders. Verena smoothed down Milo one last time before she stepped away. Over the past few hours, Verena had taken a liking to the goat. It reminded her of the goat from her home.

"What?" Verena snapped toward Kaz who held a knowing glance with a raised brow. Kaz shook his head and gestured for Verena to follow him. Verena spared one more look to Jesper, who blows a kiss to Milo before he walked away, before she made her way to stand next to Kaz.

"I have a job for you," Kaz informed Arken. "We need to hitch a ride east to the Little Palace. Make friends."

Arken peered down to the vlachka, Ravkan currency, that Kaz held out before he placed it on the bar table. "But that's the hardest job," Arken chuckled.

"You managed to win us over, didn't you?" Kaz questioned as he and Verena walked away. "Come on, dove. We have a heist to plan."

As Verena and Kaz entered one of the rooms they rented, Vernea took off her coat. "The owner looks like he's about to chip a tooth, Saints," Verena commented. When the two crows entered, the owner had sent a hard glare to the two and clenched his jaw as if he was about to crack stone.

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐒 | kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now