twelve ཾ like devils

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     THE CRUELEST TIRCK THE DEVIL ever pulled was making people think there was only one of him

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THE CRUELEST TIRCK THE DEVIL ever pulled was making people think there was only one of him. He rested on people's shoulders with the angel next to him. Eventually, the angel slowly got buried under the dirt and blood that the devil caused. He took over your soul and made you into something other than yourself. It happened to every poor soul that lived a miserable life on Earth. By the rules of the devil, everyone was embellished to a cutthroat nobody with the unfulfilled urge for money and lived off greed.

It happened to everyone. Even the ones least expected.

"I can kill her," Verena offered as she pulled the lit cigarette from her lips and watched the smoke linger up in the air. After the secret Kaz revealed, the two found themselves back at the small pub, glasses filled with unknown liquor placed in front of her and Kaz.

"Don't be foolish, dove. They'd know it was you," Kaz scoffed with a shake of his head. Verena pursed her lips together and nodded. It was no secret that Verena always wanted Heleen dead.

"I'll get away with it if nobody knows we're back in town," Verena suggested as she licked her lips free from the sour bourbon. Kaz sent Verena a look from the corner of his eye. With a sigh, Kaz leaned over and plucked the cigarette from between Verena's lips and held it up to her face before he snapped the toxin in half and let it fall to the floor.

"Why would you do that?" Verean whined as her eyes stared blankly at the crumpled cigarette. Kaz sent her another sideways glance and tapped the end of his cane to her leg. Verean rolled her eyes and Kaz's ways.

As soon as the small found family of three set foot onto Ketterdam soil, Jordie had always tried to keep Verena and Kaz sheltered from the monsters that loomed in the shadows, from the men looking to sweep young children off their feet and sell them to the highest bidders. And then after Jordie died, Kaz tried to shelter Verean from the very things he became. The only thing Kaz wasn't able to shelter Verean from himself and her mind.

"The alarm trigger is set," Jesper shared as he took a seat across from Verena and Kaz. "Horses are ready and I've stashed the rest of our gear."

"If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us. We can't waste any more time looking for the girl," Laz explained grimly as Verean took the last sip of her drink.

"I just settled out tab with the rest of our coin," Inej said, sitting down next to Jesper.

"We're really going to leave empty-handed, then?" Jesper pressed.

"Going to have to," Verena commented with a shrug. Abruptly, the ground shook and the glass chimed together to create a song. The group turned their heads to the open window and saw the illuminating flames of fire.

"Our alarm," Jesper's voice was coated with urgency.

"Split up. It's much easier to take a Grisha one-on-one than a whole squad of them," Kaz warned as Verean pulled her coat over her shoulders. "Rendezvous at the fountain," Jesper and Inej left the table and Kaz took a moment to stumble over his feet. "Verean, be careful."

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐒 | kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now