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     VERENA STOOD WITH SKEPTICAL EYES as she and Kaz remained still in a small corridor where the demonstrations were about to start

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     VERENA STOOD WITH SKEPTICAL EYES as she and Kaz remained still in a small corridor where the demonstrations were about to start. Tens of people, Grisha and nobles, stood around while they sipped on their champagne. Soon, Inej stepped closer to the two. "It's reflective glass. Bounces the light into that and people won't know whether it's coming or going," Kaz muttered.

Inej spared a stoic glance to Kaz before she walked away with her head lowered. "Let her have this," Verena snapped in a low voice. "This is all she remembers from her mother, let her hold onto that. Just because you don't hold on, doesn't mean she has to as well."

Verena sent Kaz a harsh look before she followed after Inej and stood next to her in another opening. "Thank you," Inej muttered.

"Don't know what you mean," Verena replied, keeping her eyes forward as the crowd let out murmurs and gasps as Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner, stepped into the center of the room, the Darking next to her.

A group of Inferni stepped up on small stages and began their demonstration. They threw their flames at one another from across the room. Verena remained unimpressed as the Grisha performed and waited impatiently to see if the Sun Summoner was real and if the crows would get their money.

Verena watched as the crowd erupted with claps as the Inferni stepped down. Verena's gaze flickered to the Starkov girl as she stepped onto the stage with the Darkling. Verena couldn't deny how beautiful the Sun Summoner was. Her hair was jet black, matching the colour of her eyes.

"Her name is Alina Starkov," the Darkling announced, his voice raspy. Verena couldn't deny how gorgeous he was as well. His raven hair was slicked back, and his eyes matched the black kefta that was draped over his shoulders. "And she will bring liberation to us all."

The Darkling took a few steps down and made his way through the path the crowd made, stopping a few inches from Alina. Verena sent Kaz a glance, his eyes narrowed and his lips in a scowl. The Darkling stretched out his arms to his side before clapping his hands together. The lights burned out, only leaving the moon to push its light from behind the closed curtains.

Alina's silhouette could be seen as she stood in front of the window that shone with moonlight. Verena squinted her eyes as the girl took a step forward and clasped her hands in front of her. Soon, a small globe of dancing light formed from Alina's unclasped hands. The sphere only grew larger as Alina manoeuvred her hands.

The ballroom illuminated with light as the Summoner split the sphere in two. Alina held her arms up and sent the balls of light forward to hang over the crowd. Verena's eyes widened as she watched the colour turn a deep lapis blue that was mixed with a hint of indigo.

Kaz gazed to his right, his eyes landing on Verena. Even with the fate of the world changing, Kaz couldn't take his eyes off of the girl. Her skin was tinged with azure blue as the glint of the light gleamed in her eyes.

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐒 | kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now