3 wishes

116 5 1

The adrenaline only lasts for seconds before I hit the six jumping poles, hearing the painful splint of wood as the force of my fall snaps all six jumping poles in half. I lay on the ground, not able to breathe. voices of screaming people surround me, and the floor seems to vibrate as people run onto the Olympic show jumping course. The clink of my horses reins echoes in me ears. The sirens of an ambulance come closer, and my eyes close. I open my eyes and the white of the room I lay in is over powering. The tv is playing Olympic jumping courses, and I feel my hands start to sweat as I remember what happened. My horse, Rebel, refused a five foot high show jump, sending me flying over his neck. I had landed on the jump on my back, snapping all of the poles in half. I push back the covers of the hospital bed. I'm still in my riding clothes. My show boots are removed, showing a cast neatly wrapped around my ankle. I un button my show coat, and see my ribs bandaged. I have a sprained ankle and broken ribs. how is that all that happened to me? I could of died that day.

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